
What Can Your Numbers Tell About Your Sex Life?

Sex is a natural component of our human existence. It is a source of pleasure, enjoyment and the way in which we create future generations. Sex is the greatest representation of life and the ever cyclical human experience. Our sexuality is the seat of human desire, sensuality and connection.

Sexual energy is one of the strongest creation forces we can experience as humans.

It stimulates the physical creation of new life and it is also the same energy which fuels our creativity. A healthy relationship to our sexuality supports us in being more open and free in our personal expression and ability to create. The ever present energies of creation and sexuality have the ability to unleash great human potential. Our true power is increasingly activated the more we understand these influences.

As we  establish our own personal relationships to our sexuality we move towards embracing a more compassionate experience of ourselves and of each other.

One of the ways we can begin to form a constructive relationship to our sexuality is to first look at our beliefs and perceptions of sex, sensuality and sexuality. Every person in this world experiences different upbringings, and it is in our childhood experiences where we begin to formulate the belief systems we carry into our adult life. It’s important to remember if the beliefs you uncover truly serve you keep them, if they no longer fit it is totally OK to adopt a new perspective and way of being. Knowing the numbers in your chart can provide you with a supportive road map through this process.

Every person has a unique make up and there for the vibrational influences of our personal numbers will be different. We all know of people on both ends of the scale of sexuality. Some people are very extroverted and openly express themselves in a sensual and sexual manor. There are also people who are reserved and very private about their sexuality. The majority of people will land somewhere in between these two extremes. Expression of human sexual behaviour and the ability to clearly communicate are highly influenced by the subconscious mind.

Our subconscious minds drive approximately 95% of all our behaviour.

Understanding the complex relationship your subconscious mind has to sex and sexuality is a very useful tool in establishing a healthy expression of self. A numerology chart will clearly illustrate these dominant subconscious influences and illustrate qualities which will support you on your personal journey of self discovery. For example a huge aspect of human sexuality is communication of needs, desires and boundaries. The vibration of the number three is all about self expression and communication. Those wishing to access more power in communicating sexual desires and needs would benefit from using the vibrational energies of the number three. (Also check out our article on colours and numbers for further information)

The journey of self realization is a complex and fulfilling explorative process. We will always be learning and uncovering new dimensions to our complex being as long as we are alive. Unlocking and exploring your relationship to sexuality can be a very fun and light experience. So whether you are here to play, to serve or to dive deep into the depths of the human soul your sexuality and numbers will assist you in that quest. To learn more about how your numbers can assist you in this dance with life, receive your free numerology report, here.

Love in Numbers