What is the Root Chakra?

The root is the first chakra connected to the human body and is situated at the bottom of the human chakra system. It sits at the base of the spine.

In Sanskrit, it’s referred to as the Mūlādhāra Chakra, and in the west is also sometimes called the first, red, or base chakra.

This powerful energy center is intrinsically connected to our most primal energy. It’s responsible for our sense of survival, security, and belonging.


Root Chakra Meaning

This chakra is associated with grounding and a sense of security.

Root Chakra Position

This is the first chakra, and is located at the base of the spine. It points downwards, into the earth.

Root Chakra Name

The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Mūlādhāra, and it means “basis of existence”.

Root Chakra Colour

This chakra is red in color.

Root Chakra Symbol

The symbol is a four-petalled lotus flower, surrounding a square and an inverted triangle. All depicted in red and white.

What is a Chakra?

A chakra is a spinning wheel or disk of energy. In the human body, there are 7 major chakras that run along the spine, each of which holds and carries a specific energy. Yet there are also as many as 114 minor chakras spread over the rest of the body.

They are believed to relate to different glands within the physical body, as well as to energetic impulses, strengths, and weaknesses.

Mention of Chakras can be found in the ancient Vedic Texts, dating from 1500 BC. Yet more recently, the concept of chakras has entered the mainstream spiritual lexicon in the West too.

The seven main chakras are listed below in descending order. It’s important to understand that they’re all equally important. Where a chakra is located on the body has nothing to do with its value.

What’s the Difference Between a Healthy Chakra and an Imbalanced Chakra?

When a chakra is open and operating optimally, it’s spinning with ease. This allows it to receive information from outside, AND transmit information from within, through the physical, emotional and mental bodies, and beyond into a person’s auric field.

Quite simply, this feels good! When our chakras are balanced, we’re functioning healthily.

Yet, it’s not uncommon for chakras to be imbalanced (over, or underactive), or worse still, have blockages. When this occurs, an individual will experience negativity – in the form of fearful or destructive thoughts, difficulty learning of holding focus, depression or anxiety, or any host of other emotional and physical disorders. Long term chakra imbalances can also result in chronic physical illness, so true physical healing needs to take this into account, and go deep into the body’s energetics.

Symptoms of an imbalanced or blocked Root Chakra

An imbalance in the root will likely manifest in low levels of security and trust. Root chakra issues can lead to ungroundedness, chronic fear, and being unable to relax. This predominantly affects relationships and the way you feel it’s safe (or unsafe) to open up and relate to others.

If you think that your base chakra may be out of balance, and you want to heal it, here are the signs of lookout for:

Signs of an Overactive Root Chakra

  • Hyper-vigilant to any danger
  • Obsessed with security and risk prevention
  • Preoccupied with money, and material security.
  • Workaholic
  • Dysfunctional or unhealthy family dynamics
  • Needs to be in control
  • Can be very stubborn

Signs of an Underactive Root Chakra

  • Very needy, yet mistrustful
  • Lack mentality – feelings of ‘not-enoughness’
  • Feels very ungrounded
  • Often anxious
  • Disconnected from other people and own life
  • Dysfunctional or unhealthy family dynamics
  • Struggles with commitment

5 Chakra Healing and Balancing Exercises for the Mūlādhāra

1. Ground into Nature

One of the very best ways to ease the base, and re-balance the first chakra is to spend time in nature. With so many of us living in cities and spending time on electronic devices, we are becoming more and more detached from our physicality.

Remedy this by taking trips out into nature. Weekend hikes, evenings outside and even lunches in the local park all count! There are plenty of pockets of nature once you start looking for them, and simply immersing yourself for 20 minutes a day can be incredibly healing.

If you’re brave, take off your shoes. Let your skin caress the surface of the earth!

2. Do a Grounding Meditation

If it’s not possible to get out of doors, you can practice effective root chakra balancing through meditation. Once you know how to do this, it’ll take you mere minutes.


3. Eat Grounding Foods

As the lowest chakra in the chakra system, the root deals with physicality and the body. For this reason, it responds really, really well to what you eat.

Shifting your diet, just slightly, can make a vast difference to a root chakra imbalance.

Try stocking up of the following foods:

  • Root veggies
  • Protein-rich foods, like beans and lentils
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Red foods like strawberries and cranberries


4. Use Crystals

Red and some black crystals are great to balance and heal the root chakra. Place them around your home, and beside your bed when sleeping. You can also try meditating with them. Here are some ideal root chakra stones to work with:

  • Red Carnelian
  • Bloodstone
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Jet


5. Get MOVING!

A powerful daily way to balance the root chakra and bust through any blockages is to move your body! 

Go for a gentle walk in the morning to get your energy moving. Do some yoga. Or put on your favorite song and dance like crazy around the kitchen! Root chakra healing may require something different on different days, so don’t be afraid to change up your routine.

The important thing is to be intentional, and don’t skip it. Exercise is one of your basic needs and can have a hugely cathartic effect.

Extra Resources

For more on the sacral chakra, or ways to expand your intuitive side, follow the links below:

Do YOU have any tips for root chakra healing? Or any experiences to share with our community? Drop a comment below!