Weekly Numerological Weather for November 14th – 20th

Triple Prosperity

Welcome to week 42 of 2024!

This week’s Angel Number is 38 – and it reaches its full power on 10/20 because this year, since 2024 is an 8 Universal Year, we can write this date as 10/20/8 and 10+20+8 = 38.

Angel number 38 is a powerful sign of abundance, prosperity, and success. 

It’s a reminder from the universe that you are aligned with energies that support growth, material well-being, and emotional fulfillment. 

The combination of the numbers 3 and 8 creates a potent vibration, which amplifies positive outcomes in your life – especially to do with finance and abundance. 

The number 3, as you know, is associated with creativity, joy, and communication. It represents the divine energy of expansion and manifestation. When you see the number 3, it’s a call to trust in your ability to co-create with the universe. 

Your talents, skills, and inner wisdom are being highlighted this week, encouraging you to use them fully. The presence of 3 in Angel Number 38 is an assurance that your creative powers are not just supported but are crucial in attracting what you desire.

The number 8 meanwhile is the ultimate symbol of wealth, power, and success – especially in 2024, which is an 8 Universal Year. 

The 8 in Angel Number 38 carries the energy of karmic balance, meaning that the effort and dedication you put into your goals are now coming back to you in tangible, prosperous ways. 

Angel Number 38 is often a sign that financial gain or career advancement is imminent, provided you stay focused and determined. 

The energy of Angel Number 38 amplifies the material success already surrounding you and reassures you that continued focus will bring even more rewards.

Indeed, in Chinese mythology, 38 is a highly auspicious number, known as the Triple Prosperity Number!

You’re being told that your creative ideas (3) will lead to material gain (8) and that you are divinely guided to success. 

Embrace this angelic message, trusting that prosperity in all its forms is not just coming, but is already flowing into your life. Keep your focus on your goals, continue manifesting with intent, and stay open to receiving the abundance that is rightfully yours.

Get your personal numeroscope for this week below or head to our YouTube channel for this week’s tarot, angel and astro readings.

You can also get your Weekly Astrology Horoscope here and your Weekly Astro Weather here.

Your Personal Weekly Numeroscope 

Read on to get your personal numerology forecast for this week, based on your Personal Year Number. If you don’t know your Personal Year Number, you can calculate it using the instructions below…

Calculate Your Personal Year Number

You will need to know your personal year number to read your weekly forecast. This number will stay the same for you throughout 2024, so you only need to calculate it this once and then read that number forecast every week!

It’s really easy to work out:

Just add the day of your birth and the month of your birth to 2024. 

Here are 2 quick examples:

If you were born on the 27th August (your birth year is not relevant for this calculation), your personal year number is 7 because:

2 + 7 (day) + 8 (month) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 25

2+5 = 7

If you were born on the 4th November, your personal year is 5 because:

4 (day) + 1 +1 (month) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 14

1 + 4 = 5

Weekly Forecast if Your Personal Year is 1

This week brings a beautiful blend of power and diplomacy. Personal week 8’s energy drives you toward success in your career or financial pursuits, but the Personal Month 2 asks you to collaborate and build strong relationships to make it happen. You’re balancing assertiveness with patience—perfect for negotiating deals or making progress through teamwork. If there’s a project you’ve been working on, expect some major gains, but remember, cooperation is your secret weapon.

With Angel Number 38’s energy surrounding you, this is a time of *triple prosperity*. Your hard work is paying off, and the people around you are helping to open doors. Keep your focus sharp, but don’t forget to lean on your support network for even greater abundance.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 1

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 2

This week is all about wrapping things up with a creative flourish. The number 9 brings closure and transformation, making it the perfect time to finish lingering tasks or release old patterns. At the same time, your 3 Personal Month infuses everything with lightheartedness and inspiration, encouraging you to communicate openly and share your ideas. The combination is perfect for creative breakthroughs, healing conversations, or artistic projects.

Angel Number 38’s message of prosperity aligns with this week’s energy by reminding you that letting go creates space for new abundance. As you tie up loose ends and express yourself more freely, you’re opening the door to fresh, exciting opportunities.


Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 2

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 3

This is a week of fresh starts, grounded in practicality. Your Personal Week 1 brings the urge to initiate new projects, while the energy of October as a 4 Personal Month in your numerology cycle encourages you to focus on structure, discipline, and long-term planning. It’s a great time to plant seeds for something meaningful, especially in areas where careful planning and effort will pay off. Whether it’s in your work or personal life, start strong but remember to lay a solid foundation.

Angel Number 38 reminds you that the effort you invest now will lead to prosperity. Your new beginnings, fueled by hard work, are aligning with a prosperous future, and this week marks the first step toward achieving it.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 3

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 4

You’ll feel a mix of balance and excitement this week, as the calm energy of your 2 Personal Week meets the adventurous spirit of October as a 5 Personal Month. Expect situations where you’ll need to keep the peace, but also stay flexible, as change is likely. It’s a great time for travel, new experiences, or breaking out of your routine. Relationships may shift, but your ability to listen and compromise will help you navigate any changes smoothly.

Angel Number 38’s influence encourages you to embrace the flow of change with trust. By maintaining balance, you can move toward new opportunities for prosperity in ways you hadn’t anticipated.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 4

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 5

Creativity and love take center stage this week! It’s a Personal Week 3 in your numerology cycle, energizing your creative side and inspiring self-expression, while the 6 Personal Month of October adds a focus on family, relationships, and home life. It’s an ideal time to blend these energies by nurturing your connections through heartfelt communication or by bringing beauty and harmony into your space. Whether through a creative project or a meaningful conversation, you’ll find joy in the simple act of connecting.

Angel Number 38’s energy resonates with your potential for prosperity in your relationships. By investing time and care into your loved ones, you’ll feel an abundance of emotional wealth that mirrors the financial prosperity on the horizon.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 5

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 6

This week is about hard work, but on an introspective level. Personal Week 4 pushes you to get organized, focus on tasks, and build a stable foundation, while your 7 Personal Month invites deep reflection and spiritual growth. You might find yourself wanting to retreat and focus on both practical and inner work. It’s a good time to get things done while also seeking wisdom within.

Angel Number 38’s energy is here to remind you that inner work leads to outer success. As you invest time in self-awareness and stability this week, you are laying the groundwork for future prosperity that’s aligned with both your material and spiritual goals.

 Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 6

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 7

Buckle up for an exciting week! The energy of a your 5 Personal Week brings change, freedom, and adventure, while as an 8 Personal Month in your numerology cycle, October highlights career and financial success. You may experience sudden opportunities for advancement or a breakthrough in your professional life. Stay adaptable and embrace whatever new challenges come your way—you have the power to turn them into something profitable.

With Angel Number 38’s prosperity message resonating through your week, expect big shifts that lead to growth. The changes you navigate now are clearing the path for new levels of abundance and success.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 7

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 8

This week brings a nurturing, compassionate energy to a time of endings and transformation. Your 6 Personal Week asks you to focus on family, relationships, and responsibilities, while your 9 Personal Month encourages you to let go of what no longer serves you. It’s a perfect time to offer support to those around you, while also releasing old habits or situations that are holding you back.

Angel Number 38 reminds you that as you let go, you make room for greater prosperity. Trust that by closing one chapter, you’re creating space for even more fulfilling opportunities to flow into your life.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 8

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 9

You’re entering a week of introspection and new beginnings. The energy of your 7 Personal Week invites you to spend time in reflection, study, or spiritual practice, while October as a whole, as a 1 Personal Month, urges you to initiate new projects or set new intentions. The key is to find a balance between thinking and doing. Take time to connect with your inner wisdom, but don’t hesitate to move forward on ideas you feel called toward.

Angel Number 38’s message of prosperity reminds you that the seeds you plant now, after thoughtful reflection, will lead to future abundance. Take this week as a moment to align with your higher purpose and move toward success.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 9