Weekly Numerological Weather for November 18th – 24th

Dancing for Joy

Welcome to week 47 of 2024!

This week the cosmic messaging is all about joy, exuberance, fun, and laughter.

And about time!

Most of us could use a good pick-me-up at this point in the year, and this time it comes courtesy of Angel Number 30. 

This beautiful number reaches its peak power on November 19th because 11+19 = 30. .

Angel Number 30 comprises the dual energies of 3 and 0.

From the 3, we get high energy, a party vibe, celebration, joy, friendship, and fun.

And from the 0 we get infinite possibilities. 

In other words – it’s time to celebrate!

And if you don’t have anything in particular to celebrate…find something!

Angel Number 30 is a reminder that we make our own joy in life. 

So when you need a lift, look around at your existing blessings. Remember how lucky you are. Look for the joy in raindrops, rocks, birdsong, a cup of coffee, and the smile of a friend. 

Joy is all around you if only you are willing to truly see it.

Angel Number 30 is also a hugely creative influence in our lives since number 3 is the most creative number of all, and in 30 that creativity is multiplied tenfold.

Any kind of creativity will bring you great joy, and it can also heal you.

If you are struggling with your emotions, look to art, crafts, dance, tai chi, yoga, music, or any other kind of creativity or creative moment – all of these things will uplift your heart and help you to process what you’re going through. 

So the underlying message from the cosmos is that we create our own joy – how will you create yours this week?

Get your personal numeroscope for this week below or head to our YouTube channel for this week’s tarot, angel and astro readings.

You can also get your Weekly Astrology Horoscope here and your Weekly Astro Weather here.

Your Personal Weekly Numeroscope 

Read on to get your personal numerology forecast for this week, based on your Personal Year Number. If you don’t know your Personal Year Number, you can calculate it using the instructions below…

Calculate Your Personal Year Number

You will need to know your personal year number to read your weekly forecast. This number will stay the same for you throughout 2024, so you only need to calculate it this once and then read that number forecast every week!

It’s really easy to work out:

Just add the day of your birth and the month of your birth to 2024. 

Here are 2 quick examples:

If you were born on the 27th August (your birth year is not relevant for this calculation), your personal year number is 7 because:

2 + 7 (day) + 8 (month) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 25

2+5 = 7

If you were born on the 4th November, your personal year is 5 because:

4 (day) + 1 +1 (month) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 14

1 + 4 = 5

Weekly Forecast if Your Personal Year is 1

Your 5 Personal Week brings you rebellious energy and you’re definitely in the mood for a change. And since November is a 3 Personal Month for you, you’re well in tune with the energies of Angel Number 30 – so hopefully the changes you are seeking will bring you even more happiness.

Your positive attitude will carry you through no matter what obstacles pop up along the way. So keep smiling no matter what and choose to look on the bright side. If you can do that, you can create an amazing fresh start this week with new horizons on the way.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 1

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 2

This is a very, very loving week for you. It’s a 6 Personal Week which is about togetherness, family, love, harmony, and compassion. And November is a calm, stable 4 Personal Month for you, so not much troubles your horizons. So it’s a very pleasant picture all round…and about to get even better.

Because for you, Angel Number 30 brings joy in the shape of your twin flame. This is one of the best weeks all year for love and for finding that special someone. If you are single, keep your eyes open for someone who takes your breath away.


Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 2

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 3

It’s a very introspective 7 Personal Week for you, which makes this a very good time for meditation, dreamwork, mindfulness, spiritual growth, and prayer. By staying present in the moment, you will be able to navigate everything the week puts in your path – because it may not be smooth sailing.

Since November is a 5 Personal Month in your numerology cycle, you are hungry for change so try to welcome any disruption. Angel Number 30 teaches you that happiness is a choice – so make a conscious choice to stay calm and content.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 3

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 4

This is a prosperity-focused 8 Personal Week for you, so you’re probably hard at work and striving to do your very best. However, could it be that you’re actually trying too hard? If you’re always working or always hustling, where is the space for joy in your life?

This week, try to rethink your schedules. Give yourself more time to simply be in the moment and to enjoy life. There’s no point in striving to create abundance if you don’t allow yourself to enjoy what you already have.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 4

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 5

This is a 9 Personal Week in your numerology cycle, which means there are almost certainly some paranormal influences in your life right now – and you may even be shocked by something that spooks you. Try not to worry. In fact, see the funny side of the unexpected.

It’s also a good week to use journaling or art as a kind of therapy if you are struggling with your emotions.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 5

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 6

It’s a powerful 1 Personal Week for you, so you are hopefully feeling confident and in control. However, November brings its fair share of challenges as an 8 Personal Month in your numerology cycle. But with Angel Number 30 spreading optimism around you, try to see these challenges as opportunities to prove yourself. 

You have what it takes to make this week count, but everything depends on your mindset and your attitude. Choose to see the best in people and circumstances.

 Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 6

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 7

It’s a deeply spiritual and intuitive 2 Personal Week in your numerology cycle, and November is a somewhat bittersweet 9 Personal Month for you. It’s quite likely that your emotions and sensitivities are off the scale this week, so you may struggle with finding joy despite the encouragement of Angel Number 30. 

If that’s the case, then take some time out to be by yourself. Switch off your phone and devices, and simply spend time with your own company. There is truth to be had in solitude this week – and yes, joy too.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 7

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 8

It’s a 3 Personal Week for you, so you are definitely up for some fun. And with November being a 1 Personal Month for you, you are also up for some new beginnings. Take up a new hobby, or meet some new friends. If you focus too much on work, you will miss out on magic. Strive for a balanced, healthy life that leaves plenty of room for personal enjoyment. 

This week’s energies also bring out your creative streak, so let your inner child loose with some paints and see what happens!

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 8

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 9

You are in a very practical mood this week, as your 4 Personal Week energies are all about being logical and maintaining the status quo. However, November is a deeply intuitive 2 Personal Month for you and you sense that there is something deeper going on here. Your route to joy this week depends upon balancing practicality with spirituality. 

Meditate on Angel Number 30 to help you get the best of both worlds. You don’t have to rely on instincts or only on logic. There is a happy middle ground to be found, and you are exceptionally well-placed to find it now.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 9