Weekly Numerological Weather for July 8th – 14th

Have Confidence in Your Limitless Potential

Welcome to week 28 of 2024!

This week’s Angel Number is 107 and it brings us a very uplifting message of confidence and prosperity. Angel Number 107 reaches its peak on July 10th, as everywhere in the world apart from the US, this date is written as 10/7, but its energy will be around us all week. 

At the core of Angel Number 107, its root number is 8 (because 1+0+7 =8). 

The number 8 is a powerful symbol of influence, abundance, and self-discipline. This number represents the potential for material wealth, career success, and the ability to wield authority responsibly. Yet, it’s not merely about worldly achievements; 8 also signifies inner strength, self-belief, and the resilience required to overcome challenges.

When we delve deeper into the individual digits that comprise 107, we discover strong links to spiritual awakening and manifestation.

The number 1, often associated with new beginnings, leadership, and individuality, serves as a reminder of our innate power to create our reality. It symbolizes the first step towards self-discovery and the realization that we are the architects of our destiny. The number 1 encourages us to embrace our uniqueness, assert our independence, and take charge of our lives with confidence.

The number 0, a mystical digit representing infinity, wholeness, and the void from which all creation emerges, amplifies the vibrational energy of the numbers it accompanies. In the case of 107, the 0 amplifies the influence of both 1 and 7, enhancing their transformative potential. This number signifies the infinite possibilities that await us when we connect with our higher selves and tap into the limitless source of universal energy.

The number 7, often associated with spirituality, intuition, and introspection, invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner wisdom. It encourages us to delve into the depths of our being, explore our subconscious mind, and uncover the hidden truths that lie within. The number 7 represents a quest for knowledge, a yearning for spiritual enlightenment, and a deep connection to the divine.

When combined in Angel Number 107, these numbers speak to our limitless potential for manifestation. The journey begins with the number 1, urging us to step into our personal power and embrace our individuality. As we progress along the path, the number 0 amplifies our vibrations, opening us up to the infinite possibilities that exist within the universe. Finally, the number 7 guides us towards spiritual awakening, encouraging us to trust our intuition and connect with our higher selves.

In numerology, Angel number 107 is therefore a message of hope, inspiration, and encouragement. It reminds us that we have the power to manifest anything we desire, as long as we are willing to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. This number serves as a gentle nudge from the universe, urging us to step outside our comfort zones, embrace our authentic selves, and trust in the divine timing of our lives.

So this week, embrace the power of Angel Number 107 and allow it to guide you toward your highest potential. Remember, you are the creator of your reality, and the possibilities are endless.

Get your personal numeroscope for this week below or head to our YouTube channel for this week’s tarot, angel and astro readings.

You can also get your Weekly Astrology Horoscope here and your Weekly Astro Weather here.

Your Personal Weekly Numeroscope 

Read on to get your personal numerology forecast for this week, based on your Personal Year Number. If you don’t know your Personal Year Number, you can calculate it using the instructions below…

Calculate Your Personal Year Number

You will need to know your personal year number to read your weekly forecast. This number will stay the same for you throughout 2024, so you only need to calculate it this once and then read that number forecast every week!

It’s really easy to work out:

Just add the day of your birth and the month of your birth to 2024. 

Here are 2 quick examples:

If you were born on the 27th August (your birth year is not relevant for this calculation), your personal year number is 7 because:

2 + 7 (day) + 8 (month) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 25

2+5 = 7

If you were born on the 4th November, your personal year is 5 because:

4 (day) + 1 +1 (month) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 14

1 + 4 = 5

Weekly Forecast if Your Personal Year is 1

This is a bittersweet 9 personal week in your numerology cycle, so you may be facing an ending that you do not want to face, whether that is in your love life, your family life, at work, or in any other area that is important to you. It’s important to take good care of yourself during this week, so reach out to friends and loved ones for support if you need it.

The good news is that July is a powerful 8 Personal Month for you, and this, combined with the energy of Angel Number 107, reminds you that no matter what is ending in your life, you can manifest something better, stronger, and more fulfilling. Take time out to listen to your inner power and to be the best you can be.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 1

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 2

This is a very smart, self-reliant 1 Personal Week in your numerology cycle, so you are very ready for a fresh start and unafraid to rely on your own gifts and talents to get there. This resonates extremely well with the message of Angel Number 107 and puts you in a strong position to be able to manifest what you want.

July is a 9 Personal Month in your numerology cycle, however, so you may find that in order to manifest properly, you must first let go of something (or someone) that no longer serves you. This can feel painful and bittersweet, but in your heart, you know that a cycle is ending. It’s time to move on.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 2

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 3

You are in a very powerful position to make the most of Angel Number 107’s energies this week. It’s a deeply intuitive 11 Personal Week in your numerology cycle, and this comes in what is a 1 Personal Month for you too, so you are ready to take control of your own destiny and to manifest the life you truly want.

Your intuitive gifts will help you with this. Take confident, decisive action all week, and don’t second guess yourself. If you think you need guidance, look to divination tools such as tarot to help you. Your own higher self knows what it is doing, so relax into the flow and make your choices with certainty.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 3

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 4

In this joyful, creative, sociable 3 Personal Week in your numerology cycle, you will enjoy the vibe of Angel Number 107 as it gives you free rein to express yourself however you please. Know that by spreading joy and sharing smiles, you are unleashing the power of joy and gratitude which will help your manifestation efforts. 

July is an intuitive 2 Personal Month for you, so don’t overthink the decisions you face this week. Your first instinct is correct. Do what feels right and allow life to unfurl around you fully aligned with your cosmic path.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 4

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 5

At first glance, this looks like a hard-working week for you – it’s a 4 Personal Week in your numerology cycle, which usually means a focus on responsibility, security, and stability, often achieved by focusing on whatever earns you money. However, Angel Number 107 is here to remind you that you may simply be trying too hard. 

July is a joyful, sociable 3 Personal Month in your numerology cycle. Try to spend more time having fun and less time worrying about the future. If you step into your joy, you will learn through the power of Angel Number 107 that hard work doesn’t necessarily lead to abundance – spiritual growth does.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 5

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 6

You’re beginning a go-getting, risk-taking 5 Personal Week in your numerology cycle – and that resonates well with the confidence and authority of Angel Number 107, so you are well placed to use your “dream big” attitude for manifestation this week. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith.

Although July is a deeply responsible 4 Personal Month in your numerology cycle, you will find that taking calculated risks pays off now. Embrace your inner wild child and do as your heart tells you to. That will bring you more abundance than a cautious approach right now.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 6

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 7

In this 7 Personal Year, you are very in tune with the concept of spiritual awakening, which puts you in a powerful position to make the most of Angel Number 107’s energy this week. It’s a loving, family-centered 6 Personal Week in your numerology cycle, however, so you may not be willing to take the risks necessary to manifest the life of your dreams.

For help with this, lean into your month number. July is a playful, risk-taking 5 Personal Month in your cycle. Meditate on this to help you find a great balance between family-first versus playfulness – this is the vibe you need to help you manifest the life of your dreams.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 7

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 8

You of all year numbers are best placed to use the manifestation power of Angel Number 107 this week, because its root number is 8 and you resonate with the confidence, power, and prosperity of this number, especially with 2024 being a Universal 8 Year. The sky is the limit for you this week, so use everything you have learned so far this year to really tune into your abundance energies. 

It’s a 7 Personal Week in your numerology cycle too, so you also resonate with the journey toward spiritual awakening that Angel Number 107 brings us. Spend some time focusing on meditation or psychic growth, as this will help you on your path.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 8

Weekly Forecast if your Personal Year is 9

This is a powerful, prosperous 8 Personal Week in your numerology cycle – and with 8 being the root of Angel Number 107, this is a sign from the cosmos that you should be focusing on manifestation and abundance now. What’s more, July is a spiritually aware 7 Personal Month for you, so you truly are in tune with Angel Number 107.

Use this to your advantage by creating a vision board and doing everything you can to manifest joy, abundance, wealth, and happiness into your life. The more you practice, the easier it will become – and don’t forget to show gratitude for the blessings you already have, as this will encourage the Universe to give you more of the same.

Find out more about what to expect in a Personal Year 9