When planet of love, Venus trines dwarf planet, Pluto, you can expect your love life to take a turn for the better. This is especially true for relationships with power imbalances. During the Venus-Pluto trine, emotional manipulation (even if it’s subconscious) will take a back seat.

The Venus Trine Pluto Transit

Although Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet some time ago, its astrological impact on your life should not be underestimated. With Venus in the mix, this astrological aspect shines the light on your relationships.

Your relationships may increase in intensity and passion, leading to more overall satisfaction and happiness in love. You and your partner may see eye to eye a little more. You may start to understand one another on a deeper than a surface level.

Regardless of your zodiac sign or whether you’re usually emotionally charged or not, you won’t be able to avoid the passionate, loving and affectionate energy in the air during this transit.

If you’re not in a relationship, your natural magnetism will make you more attractive to others. You may find yourself the subject of attention today.

That said, this energy can also lead to obsessive behavior, and when that comes to relationships, that’s not always a good thing. This will be especially true for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, who might have their deepest relationship vulnerabilities exposed.

Venus Trine Pluto Natal

If you have the Venus trine Pluto in your birth chart, you will bring a deep intensity to anything you are passionate about. This could be love or any other pleasure-bringing activity, but you will find yourself taking things extremely seriously no matter what it is.

But passion can bring obsession, which can potentially unveil an ugly side…

You will love deeply and intensely and you will fall in love quickly, but you will take breakups and rejections particularly badly. As a result of your devotion, people could potentially take advantage of you.

As you go through your life, you will need to ensure you don’t give up your power to a partner who is willing to take it. You should seek out relationships with someone with similar morals and intensity as you.

Ready to know more about how your natal planets affect your life? You can get your Free Astrological Personality Profile here.