When the planet of love, Venus, is involved in any cosmic activity, the collective rejoices with giddy excitement. We all know that love and romance are on the cards.

But when we dig beyond the surface, if you want to make something more of the fling Venus brings, you’re going to need help from some more grounded energy, 

Enter the Venus-Saturn Sextile

Venus Sextile Saturn Transit

If you’re in a relationship (especially if you’re in the honeymoon stage, or just coming to the end of it), looking beyond the superficial to find something substantial is the key to long-term success. 

Although Venus brings the loving vibes, she doesn’t always help relationships go the distance. When she sextiles thoughtful Saturn though, the more serious, realistic and grounded side of love comes to the fore. And while we all love the frolics and fun that come with a new romance, getting serious can be just as fun too.

So, if you’re in a new relationship, use today to ask that age-old, cringing question; so where are we? Don’t fear, the Universe has your back and she’ll help you ease into the conversation you really need to have!

If you’re coupled up, this transit will help you address anything that’s been making you feel insecure in your relationship. Use this cosmic sky to bring things up that you have been letting bubble away below the surface…

This transit love resolution, so harness those compassionate vibes and lay it all on the table while you still can.

Read Tomorrow’s Cosmic Forecast: How To Harness Wednesday’s Optimistic Energy & Launch Into April Unobstructed From Abundance (March 31st, 2021)