What Do your angels want to share with you this week?

This Angel Message Reading is all about being in the flow of energy. Are you going with the flow? Do you need to go with the flow a bit more? Where is your energy flowing right now?

Place one or both of your hands over your heart and invite your angels to guide you to either MESSAGE 1, 2, or 3 to receive a message from their heart to yours. I’d LOVE to know how the messages speak to you and please share and pass on the ANGEL’S LOVE to your friends by gifting them with a message too. Thank you!


  • Angel Message #1 – 1:06
  • Angel Message #2 – 5:05
  • Angel Message #3 – 8:22

Let me know if the comments whether your message resonated with you. Plus, make sure you subscribe to the Numerologist.com YouTube channel for notifications of new Angel Message videos every week!

Angel Message #1


There’s a sense of protection and balance for you here. Everything is moving the way it should right now. The connection with the divine is represented through the coral color here and the green represents love. Are you moving to the next stage in a relationship? Are you allowing yourself to move to the next level?

The vibration of protection is surrounding you, the energy within your heart is flowing out to your energy field. The message here is that you are in balance and you’re moving with the flow.

Something is opening up for you and there’s a strong feeling that everything’s going to be ok. Your connection with your soul is the catalyst for your energy flow: you have found your peace – and if you haven’t, that’s what you need to do.

You are creating the peace, flow and positive energy around you – well done!

Angel Message #2

Two of Pentacles

Balance is a major theme for you with this message. The flow of energy will come from the divine through a balance vibration and into you. So, to make sure you can access it, you must invite balance into your life. You are connected to the divine and an abundance of blessings.

There’s a huge sense of “As above, so below”. There’s a sense that, as you open up to receive more energy, you’re opening up to receive more blessings, love and what you need at this moment. You must allow the energy to move through you and when you’re ready to take the next step, you’ll know.

The Universe wants to support you, so don’t fear.

Angel Message #3

Archangel Azreal

This card holds a strong “I AM” vibration. Power is flowing through you and Azreal helps you go to that next dimension of energy. You’re connecting to a higher vibration, and that doesn’t necessarily have to be with your spirit guides or a higher plane. It could be that you’re widening your friendship group, you’re getting a promotion of you’re just generally opening up to something that will really empower you.

There’s also a sense of movement; you’re ready to go with the flow. You’re ready to go where you’re most needed.

You’re in a good place. You’re ready to go with the flow to wherever it takes you. And with that, you will be drawing people, situations and blessings towards you, and you’re ready to just ride the waves and dive right in!