This week’s theme is Resurrection and Prosperity.

Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message.

Which number are you drawn to this week?

16 or 38?

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today?

Post the number you picked in the comments below.

Messages for #16 Resurrection


Is there hope for the hopeless?

If you picked #16 pick yourself up and dust off and begin again. This is a time of resurrection and rebirth. Let go of what you were and step into what you are becoming. As you release negativity and begin to think positively things will begin to shift in your life and the light of hope will shine again.

Welcome in a new mindset. You are not the same person you were yesterday. Mourn that loss and move on. Nobody likes a crybaby. We all have challenges and setbacks but what makes you strong is weathering the storm because you know the sun will shine again. It’s not armageddon. This isn’t the end of the world nor is it the end of you. It’s an opportunity to begin again.

Become more grounded and secure in your manifesting. Stop letting the stories in your mind create your life. Take back your power and stop being a back street driver.  Watch for my 21 Day Manifesting Challenge coming in February to help you get back on track and stay on track. If you can’t wait until February I still have the challenge up that I hosted in 2021 so pop over to my site (listed below) and join in the fun now!

Taking a closer look at our numbers we find…

1 – Make a Wish
6 – Harmony
1+6=7 – On the Right Path

16 – This is a time of rebirth and resurrection.

Love & Relationships

In terms of love, #16 is a sign to take a deep breath and relax. You’ve been rushing around and piling too much on your plate and your love life is suffering. It’s time to REVIVE your relationshp and give it one more shot. As long as there’s hope anything is possible. If you are single it’s important not to hide or bury yourself in busy. Nurture your love life as much as you nurture your plants and fur babies. If you don’t give it the time and attention it needs it doesn’t have much of a chance to get off the ground.


I am a light that shines in the darkness. I will not be hidden.

Messages for #38 Prosperity


Are you worried about money?

If #38 has dropped into your life it means to sit tight money is on its way. Your life is improving one thought at a time. God is bringing you the people and opportunities to be prosperous and successful if you just believe in yourself and what you are capable of.

This number is inviting you to think outside of the box for creative ways to succeed. Sure you may have had a setback or two but that doesn’t define who you are or what your potential for success is. Each of us has the ability to be wildly successful despite external circumstances. It’s an inside job. Think of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, she had what she needed to return home within her. She just didn’t know it.

What could you do with your one wild and precious life if you knew you could not fail?

Now go do it.

If we dial back the numbers we find…

3 – Harmony / Responsibility
8 – Everything’s going to be okay
3+8=11; 1+1=2 – No Worries

#38 – Put your worries to rest because blessings are coming soon.

Love & Relationships

In terms of love if you chose #38 stability is coming your way. Strong, secure and stable are your keys to a successful romance. When things get rocky and chaotic you tend to panic and run. So get all your ducks in a row and do what you need to do for your own peace of mind. This is also a time of care and compassion for the other and yourself. Times have been tough so take it easy give yourself some grace. Get back into the flow and stop swimming upstream it’s consuming all your energy and your left easily irrated and hot headed.

If you are single this is about noticing the needs of others. There are more ways than one to love and be loved. Sometimes it begins with yourself or other relationships in your life from volunteering to getting involved in your community. Building lasting friendships on a solid foundation and showing love and compassion will magnetize the right partner at the right time in the right way. Trust that there’s a plan you just can’t see right now but it will bring endless blessings into your life when it arrives.


Everything is working out for me in a beautiful way.


Which number resonated with you this week?

Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.

Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.

If this number resonates with you be sure to hit that “LIKE” button over on our Youtube and Facebook channels. It helps our message to get out to more people like you!

I hope you enjoyed our Numerology Message today. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.

May you be guided by that northern star finding hope from above and as you trust with all your heart and soul prosperity is sure to be yours.

Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle