Hi Numerologist community, thank you once again for joining me for another episode of the Numerologist Podcast. In this episode, we’re joined again by our resident numerology expert, Roy Kirkland.

This week, we’re discussing the Life Path Cycles and what they reveal about your sacred pathway in life.

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Here’s what we discuss:

  • What the Life Path Cycles are
  • Why it’s so important to know what your Life Path Cycles are
  • How to calculate your Life Path Cycles
  • What your Life Path Cycles reveal about your pathway in life

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Full Transcript


Welcome to the Numerologist Podcast, where we bring you a very special guest every single week to help guide you on your spiritual journey, live with abundance, and inspire your soul.


Hi, numerologist community. Welcome back to the podcast with me, Rose. I’m here once again with the lovely Roy. Today, we’re going to be talking about subpaths or life path cycles, subpaths and pinnacles. First of all, welcome back, Roy.

Roy Kirkland:

I’m glad to be back.


We’re glad to have you as always. Now, this promises to be an exciting podcast in that it will help us learn how to calculate and understand the life path cycles and pinnacles. What is a life path cycle?

Roy Kirkland:

Well, let’s explain it like this. The life path has three main elements. It has the month, the day, and the year of birth. These are three distinct sections of the life path number. The life path is there with you for all your life. It’s one of the numbers that doesn’t change. But each of these numbers, the day number, the month number, and the year number, all have their own specific purposes and their specific times in which they are most accurate. Now, the reason I sometimes call them subpaths is because they’re not really cycles. They’re not really turning around and going back and forth in that way like a cycle does, like the seasons. They really are little life paths of their own that are included within the major life path, you see.

Let’s talk about, first of all, life path cycles are a name that caught on when numerology started becoming more popular back in the 20th century, in the early part of the 20th century. Anyway, let’s talk about the month, day, and year numbers. Now, we use them in that order not because this is the way Americans and a few other people around the world write their calendar dates. That’s a long story in itself about how people in Europe, for instance, think that’s kind of a backwards way to write a day. Because they want to go from smaller to larger. We jump from larger to smaller, and then back agan to larger.



Roy Kirkland:

But at any rate, numerology has a reason for that. When you’re born and you’re a baby, and you’re growing into a teenager and so on and so forth, you’re more like a larger group of people. You have the same kinds of needs. Every baby needs to be taken care of in the same way. You know what I mean? Every baby is learning from their peers, and parents, and so on and so forth, about life. These experiences of childhood are integrated into the personality during the period that we call the formative cycle. That’s what the month represents. The month number isn’t one we use so much to define the character as it is a number that we use to define this first formative cycle.

Now, the way it’s calculated is a little complicated for people at first, but you think of it like this. Every nine years, you come back to the same number. Every nine birthdays, you come back to the same birthday number. If you look at it as being three cycles, three nine number cycles, three nine year cycles I should say, you want to find the closest personal year one to that. Did we do the personal years left, to show how they’re calculated?



Roy Kirkland:

What you do is, you just take the month and day and add them together to find the achievement number. Then you add the four digit year number to that. That gives you personal year. It’s not hard to find at all. We’ll be having a podcast on that at some point in the not too distant future. At any rate, we find the month cycle. That just tells us what year it is, and what year the productive cycle begins. The number of the month on which you’re born is the number that tells us about the experience you have during a month cycle. In other words, a person born… That’s a little tricky sometimes for some people too. People in November go, “Oh my God, I’m great. I got an 11 month cycle.” That’s not the way we do it.

When we’re calculating these cycles, well, 11 is a bad example because… I’ll explain that in a minute too. What we do is, we count October as 10 or one in the formative cycle. We count November as 11 or two, because we’re adding the one and one together. But the thing of it is, with a person growing up, the 11 doesn’t usually manifest until late in the teenage years if at all.

We may not see evidence of it until even later, unless the person has an 11 birthday number, or an 11 achievement, or life path number, or something like that. If there are a lot of 11s in the chart, then you’ll start seeing signs of it really early. But most of the people I know that were born within the 11th month number don’t… how do I put it? There are two things that happen.

One thing is that because of peer pressure from your friends and cousins, so on and so forth saying, “You’ve got to be some kind of weirdo.” Because of parents, “Don’t do that. Why did you take the watch apart?” And things of that nature, to the 11 child who is really curious and experimental in their nature. They may suppress that 11, the power of that 11 in their lives, until they’re independent enough to know that nobody is going to bother them about it. Or until their peers and so on and so forth have begun to express their like for their uniqueness, because that’s the main thing with 11.

People will tend to suppress its power until they discover people who recognize their uniqueness and appreciate it. That usually happens in the next cycle. If a person has now a second cycle or the productive cycle, life path cycle, is judged by way of the birthday number. The birthday number can be 11. You can also have a 22 in that cycle, but that’s okay. Because by this time, the person is an adult in their late 20s or something.

When this happens, it’s usually the signification of the type of career a person takes on. Changes in career that they may make. Another person may go through their formative cycle studying in school, like someone that I know. A guy became a lawyer, and he actually always wanted to be an investment banker. Well, this is what he does. He made that decision during the transition from his formative cycle to his productive cycle. He’s very happy in his new career.

The point of it is, this is what often happens when you come to those edges between the cycles. For instance, a person can have an 11 or 22 during that formative cycle. It will certainly show up. It will certainly show up in their lives. Most of the other numbers, we tend to either double or, like the karmic numbers and so on and so forth, we tend to just read them as their singular digit numbers. But one way or the other, your birthday number and reading about your birthday number usually is so pertinent to the middle cycle, a formative cycle, or productive cycle, that you easily recognize it and think to yourself, oh, so this is going on right now in my life. Gee, I wasn’t like that when I was a kid.

This is what the productive cycle is all about. It’s all about what you produce, how you produce it, and your participation or contribution to the world around you. The last cycle is the harvest cycle. I like the name of this one because really what it’s about, it’s about getting together all the different qualities that you developed. All the positive qualities that you developed. You either continue moving along through life as a creator or a producer, or you can just relax and enjoy the fruits of your previous labors. Many people share what they’ve learned in the harvest cycle, like people who retire from professional life and go into academic life. Like we often see happening with ex presidents and so on and so forth, or ex military officers, too. They may retire from doing their actual work in the field and become teachers of younger people. In other words, this is the time that people in the Mayan cultures or older cultures, more traditional cultures, say that a person becomes a wisdom keeper to carry on the knowledge to future generations.

This one lasts for the rest of their lifetime. It usually comes around 27 years after the productive cycle begins. This puts it somewhere in the 50s to the late 50s. This is the productive cycle, the harvest life path cycle. Sorry about the noise. My phone was plugged in to charge, and it came through.


That’s okay.

Roy Kirkland:

At any rate, this is what it is. Now, there’s some controversy about the way these cycles are calculated. Because some people just say that the transitions come at the age of 28 and 56. Other people say that you need… The one that I like is to calculate the nearest personal in year one to the age of 27. Then add another 27, which would be 54 years old. Find the nearest one. That’s the way that you find the beginning of the cycle.

The reason I like to find the nearest personal in year one is because it will… it shows a new beginning. You know what I mean? When people make the transition younger, usually, say for instance, a person becomes 25 years old. They know for sure what they want to do in their professional life, what they want to do for a career. Whether they want to travel and bomb around, or get married and settle down. Whatever that is, they know in advance. That’s usually because the life path cycle, the number one year, has started earlier than that 28. You see what I mean?

Some people wait maybe three years or four years, or maybe even more, after the productive cycle has begun before they make that kind of change. You can tell if a person is going to make a big change or not, because it’ll be a big difference between the numbers, like if a person has a formative cycle of say three or something like that. And they’re next cycle, their productive cycle, comes in at four. Well, that’s not much of a change.

But if the next one is nine, then they’re going to make a big leap in what they’re doing and move into a much wider range of activities than they had as they were growing up and developing, and planning on their career, and so on and so forth. You can usually tell by looking at that alone what kind of change the person made. If the person is born in eight for instance, in August, and then they have a productive cycle of say three. That means that they’re simplifying their life a bit by choosing this three. They’ve found their niche, and they work in it. This is the way that we look at these cycles in general. I think that these are one of the best models that we have for predicting long periods of time, or for creating the kind of background effects, or examining the kind of background effects that will be there for you all the way through the cycle.

It tends to be a very interesting and easy thing to understand when you’re looking at someone’s numerology chart. You have your life path number, and you know what cycle a person is in, or that you’re in yourself. It’s fairly easy to see what the background vibration is that all the other things, like the personal years and so on and so forth, are working with. In other words, a person who is getting a lot of three energy from their life path cycle, from their productive life path cycle. They’re going to be communicative one way or the other. Now, you can tell by the smaller subcycles than that, like the personal years for instance, what kind of thing they’re going to be communicating the most, or what kind of thing they’re going to be presenting to others.

A person might have a year in which his job entails a lot of making a lot of financial reports to the board of directors, or something like that. This is an example of an eight and a three, or a five and a three, because a five is manifest. Do you see what I mean? Just because they’re communicative, they don’t have to be journalists or DJs or politicians. Well, DJs don’t communicate much except through their music nowadays.

Anyway, the general rules that we’ve sort of gone over so far about the cycles is that the month and day of the cycle are the fruit of the life path. The month number and the day number are two very important numbers. Because when we add those numbers together, we get the key to all the personal years. Also, it’s the same number as the first pinnacle, which we’ll probably do next week. Because this is a lot to talk about here when we get into the individual numbers. Let’s see. The other thing is that when they’re really different, when the day and month numbers are very, very different, it shows a big change in a person’s life somewhere in the 20s.

It can either be a simplification or an expansion. These are two things that we really need to talk about. These are two things that we really need to look at when we’re looking at a numerology chart or a numerology report. Now, of course, everybody is going to want to know how to read these different cycles according to the number that they carry. It’s actually a very, very big topic. I could write a book on each one of them, the nine numbers that it’s possible to have, or the 11 numbers in the case of the later sights. One of the best things to start the formative cycle with, they say that the best is one.

This is what some numerologists believe, because the one energy is about exploring and testing boundaries. It’s a very self-oriented energy, and so on and so forth. This goes good with childhood. But of course, unless the child has proper guidance, they’re going to have a lot of stuff to work on in the future. During the formative cycle though, it’s a very good, happy, positive energy. Sometimes they’re a little difficult for parents, especially if both parents have numbers like two or four, or something like that. It may be a little difficult for them to deal with the one child. But they will give the kind of guidance they need to learn a good work ethic, and so on and so forth.

Now, the productive cycle, the one brings a lot of positive energy to bear in the person’s life. In other words, it supports their, how do I put it? Activity as a go getter. In other words, this person will always go for what they want the most. Of course, in the harvest cycle, it keeps a person busy. A one keeps the person busy during later life, so they don’t just sit around and waste away. The one is a good, strong energy to have in any of these cycles, as they all are. They just show different qualities as far as their strengths are concerned.

When we get to two, two generally shows a gentle or cooperative upbringing. A lot of people who have two as a month number will probably get more influence from the female parent or guardian as opposed to a male parent or guardian. In other words, men who grow up, men who are born in February and November generally tend to have greater female influences as a child. That’s not a bad thing at all. That’s actually a good thing, because they have less inhibitions and so on with the opposite sex, which is always a good thing.

In the productive cycle, it shows a person who is a team player, who is an excellent partner. Who has strong intuition, especially when it’s applied to business and matters that have to do with work during those years of life, in the late 20s, throughout the 30s and 40s, and into the 50s. In other words, this is a teamwork number. It’s showing up during the time of life at which you have to be at your most productive. Nobody can be at their most productive on their own. Two becomes a very good number for that. In the harvest cycle, it’s usually focused on partnership and companionship.

People who tend not to do well in the later years of life are people who are alone. During the harvest cycle, the two number sort of insulates people against that sort of thing. In some ways, the three does too. But I want to mention that the three is a different kind of energy from two altogether. It’s about the self expression. It’s about communication and so on and so forth. A lot of threes begin talking early. The more that they are appreciated, the more success is promised in their lives, the threes as children are often prompted by parents, or relatives, or even their friends, to show off a little bit. Because they tend to be… how do I put it? Generate enthusiasm in the people around them.

In other words, they tend to be very fun people to be around when they’re young. During the productive cycle, it gets this same type of enthusiasm. As a matter of fact, their enthusiasm becomes contagious. They’re the kind of person that you’re sitting there waiting for the meeting, and everybody is bored and twiddling around with their papers, and so on and so forth. Then the person who is the three, productive cycle, walks in the room and does a, “Hi, everybody.” All of a sudden, the room brightens up. That’s a productive cycle for a person who has three as a birthday number.

That also means 12. It also means 30. It also means 21. Any one of those is a three, and they’ve got it going on. When the harvest cycle comes, the three shows a lot of social activity and a lot of friendship. In other words, when you meet these people who are in their later years and go on camping trips with their friends of the same age, and go to a lot of clubs. And even go play bingo with their associates at church or something. This is the three energy manifesting during the harvest cycle. This is what happens when you have three as a year number in your chart.

Now, four usually gives a formative cycle that is filled with some kind of limitation. In other words, a lot of four children are raised in strict households or live a long way from school, so they have to go through transportation difficulties. Or they’re limited as to what school they can go to because that’s been chosen for them already. Things like that. Maybe even the limitation of who to get married to, because you’re born into a tradition in which that’s chosen for you by your parents. But at the same time, most four children are born into an environment that teaches them discipline and persistence.

We used to have a little book, a child’s book, called The Little Engine That Could, about this toy train who is trying to get up the side of a mountain. It’s the smallest of all the other engines. It kept going, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.” I was reading something that mentioned that book the other day. I thought to myself, oh my God. A four must have written this book. Because that’s exactly the lessons that a young person gets out of the formative cycle of four.

During the productive cycle, this is a diligent person who has a strong sense of beauty and a strong sense of loyalty as well. These are people who never give up. These are people who, a lot of them become independent and develop businesses on their own because they don’t like being micromanaged. These are people born on the fourth, 13th, 22nd, or the… Well, the 22nd can also be a 22 or the 31st of the month. Filled with diligence, strong sense of duty. During the harvest cycle, one usually has obligations.

Instead of retiring, they usually continue to work, even if the work has to do with taking care of their home, and having lots of hobbies, and things like that. They always are doing something, right up until the end or whenever. They have something to do because that’s their life. That’s the power of this four when a person is born under a year number of four. Now, the five shows an early life full of changes. You’ll find a lot of young people with five who are born into military families, who get shipped around according to their parents’ duty. Or families in which they move often because of work, or for some other reason.

In other words, the five grows up with a lot of changes in the environment, in their circumstances around them. But this creates an attitude that points toward variety. In other words, they like doing things on their own. They don’t like being committed. You’ve probably seen a movie before about a young boy or girl in their teenage years who doesn’t trust others because they have this fear that they’re going to go away, because they moved so many times when they were young, and had to leave their friends and so on and so forth. That’s definitely a plot based on a five formative cycle.

During the productive cycle, it benefits from earlier development by having quick wits. But at the same time, productive cycle people, five, are fast on their feet and good at thinking outside the box. They often has a proneness towards overdoing things. This can be as far as consumption is concerned, or as far as their actual activity is concerned. This is a tendency to overdo, especially when they’re a five born on the 14th. They’re more prone to that than anything else. Then the harvest cycle of five often means that the person in their later years spends a lot of time traveling, entertaining themselves, going on cruises, and so on and so forth. Maybe because they didn’t have the opportunity to do so during the productive cycle, but maybe for other reasons.

Maybe that’s a life goal they’ve set way earlier. This is the time they’re carrying it out. It’s something told that you’re going to have some fun times coming. But right now, let’s buckle down and do this. Sometimes the intuition knows what cycle it’s in. The six is an interesting one because it shows an early life that’s devoted to helping their friends and family, and so on and so forth. In fact, one numerology book that I was reading said that having a sixth child in the house is like having an extra adult or an extra three quarters, or half an adult, because of how helpful they tend to be.

It’s very interesting that we find a lot of people who marry early have six as the month number. It’s very, very interesting to me that this happens. The June bride is a good example of that, because June is the sixth month of the year. This June bride tradition was probably something that was developed back in the day when people got married a lot younger than they do today. Whether knowing so or not, they were devoting this to the six, the sixth formative cycle. They became under the influence of the six.

Productive cycle of six usually promises a great rise in career. They have many friends. People who are sixes are usually pretty cheerful. When they’re not really cheerful or telling jokes and having a good time with their peers, they usually are very good counselors and very good advisors. The kind of person who always has the right thing to say at the right time, in order to lift someone else’s spirits. It also brings financial luck. But with six, just like two in the productive cycle, the financial luck usually comes as a result of other people showing their appreciation or their friendship or loyalty or whatever. It’s a very interesting thing.

Six is good at attracting a lot, but they attract it through others rather than making it through their own hard work. The harvest cycle usually has to do with harmony in the home. When you find a person that has the six year number, it’s usual for them to have a chief goal in life to own their own home and have a big family, and things like that. When you talk to somebody and they say, “Oh yeah, I’ve got 14 grandchildren.” Chances are good that they’ve got six in their harvest cycle, or somewhere else in the major four grounds of their numerology chart. Somewhere else really important in their numerology chart, because six is most domestic of all the numbers.

Now, seven tends to show a formative cycle in which the kid doesn’t mind spending time alone. Studying, practicing, doing art, reading, learning to program computers or something of that nature. In other words, these kind of solitary activities are prominent when seven appears as the month number. These are July children. I actually know someone born in July who he and his brother used to write their own comic books when they were children. This is the seven. The person later became an English major and a writer, as a matter of fact, which is a seven activity.

Also, it’s good for practicing, practicing things like music and sewing and so forth. In other words, more solitary activities. More activities that cultivate the mind than pretty much anything else. During the productive cycle, it can mean working in private or in secret. By working in secret, I don’t necessarily mean being a spy, although that’s a good one. But working in private, as opposed to being a bank teller, being one of the people who sits at a desk out of the way. Or the person who does most of their work in the parts of the bank that visitors to the bank don’t see. You see what I mean?

Working in private or in secret, or being involved in spiritual or mystical practices. It’s also a good one for research. A lot of lawyers have a seven productive period because of having to pour through legal briefs and previous cases, in order to gather all the information they need to build a good case. You’d be surprised, but people in the law profession, you’ll find a lot of sevens there. Probably more than you will find who run off to India who become yogis, or are involved in the Kabbalah or other mystical or spiritual practices. But they almost always have an interest in the unusual, which is a curious thing.

You’ll find people who are lawyers who have an interest in UFOs, or the supernatural, or some other kind of phenomenon. Now, when the harvest cycle comes, a person usually has a strong desire for peace and quiet, and to pursue their own interests. You’ll find a lot of people who retire early, or writers who retire and have retreats where they sit and write. Things like that are usually the product of a seven harvest cycle. The eight cycles are very interesting because it might, in a formative cycle, it’ll show the kind of environment that teaches children the value of discipline, the value of money, and the value of power. That doesn’t mean that they’re born rich. A lot of people who are born in August are actually poor at birth, and because of that experience, they learn the value of how to handle money and how to build on their own assets.

Sometimes it’s discipline. You’d be surprised. You’ve probably heard, if you ever have read one of the little astrology pamphlets, that a lot of actors, a lot of famous actors and show business people are Leos. Leo is a primary sign during August, from August to September. That’s actually the eight. That means the eight formative cycle. What’s the number one thing that a person needs in order to succeed in that kind of career? They need to discipline, to memorize lines. They need the power to present themselves as a completely different person and do a good job of it, a convincing job of it. They need that kind of influential ability. Then the money just flows to them when they go into their productive cycle and are making $1 million a month or whatever people are making nowadays in the theater and movies.

The productive cycle of eight usually means that the person has a very materialist perspective on life. That doesn’t mean that they’re all going to be atheist. That means they tend to stick with the bottom line no matter what. The ambitions tend to be for comfort, security, and stability. In other words, it’s about securing the future. The eight is a good one for people born on the eighth, or the 17th, or the 26th of the month, tend to be very certain about what I’m doing now is going to be what happens to me tomorrow. That’s the eight philosophy in manifestation during the productive cycle. The harvest cycle usually emphasizes the person’s security and freedom from want in general. In other words, a person who goes into harvest with a year number of eight usually has done the footwork they needed to do in the earlier cycles to make sure that they don’t have to worry about what to do between paycheck and paycheck when the paychecks go away.

They usually design their lives around the idea of establishing security in their old age. Now, nine, as a formative cycle, it’s usually filled with travel and a wide range of experience. For instance, I was born with a nine month number in September. I grew up with my dad being in the music business. He used to take me on a lot of tours with him. We always spent our summers a long ways away from New York, in a place where my dad had bought us a house on the beach. We spent our summers doing all kinds of things, fishing and stuff like that. The very interesting thing about this, because I know a lot of nines, and the people with a nine month number almost always have this wide range of experience, which leads to a wide range of interest later in life.

The productive cycle usually shows an intense focus on the big picture. These are the people who always have a way of going one step beyond what the current conversation is. Sometimes they direct it to themselves if they have a lot of nines in their main groups. They’ll be the kind of people who… People with nine in their productive cycle like to kick it up a notch, so to speak. Maybe talking about something happening in politics locally, and the nine guy comes in and starts talking about some kind of global activity that’s the original source of what’s happening locally. This is the nine. This is the way they think.

The harvest cycle is often about letting go. They do this through sharing a wide range of experiences with others. A lot of nines who are born into a nine year will often end up leaving whatever they were doing professionally and becoming teachers. Teachers or broadcasters, or something like that, where they can share their wide range of experiences that they’ve had during life with other people. Now, the 11, I mentioned before, it’s basically like two. But the productive cycle of 11 is different.

These people are visionary and innovative and inspiring. But sometimes, because of the double ones, they’re a little bit too individualistic for a lot of people’s taste. For instance, an 11 author may come to a… how do I put it? Publisher with an idea for a book. The publisher is likely to come back with explanations of, “Well, I don’t know if our audience would like that or not.” The 11 goes to three or four, or sometimes maybe even 11. But they eventually will arrive at the one who harmonizes with their visionary nature and says, “Okay, I’ll do that.” That’s where you get people like Tony Robbins, so on and so forth.

The productive cycle 11 is fabulous usually. But it requires some effort on the person’s part. If they’re driven, the 11 is perfect for them. People born on the 11th or the 29th of the month usually have unusual experiences during the productive cycle. When I say unusual experiences, I’m not talking about unusual experiences like having a person bring you the wrong flavor of ice cream three weeks in a row. These are unusual experiences like experiencing the supernatural or the paranormal firsthand, and being able to utilize that experience as part of their career.

That’s what I mean. This 11th or the 29th, very, very interesting, interesting number to have during a productive cycle. You can usually tell what the details are by other things in the numerology chart. But the main thing to keep in mind about the 11, people going on the 11th or 29th, is that they will have these kinds of experiences, these kind of off the chain experiences during the productive cycle. The harvest cycle, for people with an 11 year number, will almost always have an active later life that’s filled with all kinds of pursuits and probably pursuits that they were unable to have before, unless 11 is present somewhere else in the chart.

Now, 22 cannot exist as a formative cycle. Can you guess why? Because there’s no 22nd month of the year. We can forget about that one. Now, during the productive cycle, it shows time when one can build, create, or be involved in big things. When I say big things, I mean things that affect a lot of people. Interestingly enough, you find a lot of politicians born on the 22nd of the month. You’ll find a lot of business leaders, film directors, things like that, born on the 22nd of the month. Simply because they’re involved in something that cuts with the lives of many other people.

At the same time, people born on the 22nd of the month tend to experience a lot of stress. The hard thing about 22 is getting, how do I put it? Comfortable with having so much responsibility. Fortunately, 22 is a charismatic number. It’s usually not hard for them to collect an emotional support system. The harvest cycle usually reaps the benefits of past years, and uses them to do lifelong things. In these pursuits, they will have much appreciation that comes from others. But you need to know that the 22nd, to have a 22 year cycle is fairly rare in the 20th century. Because you won’t find a lot of years in which the four digits of the year add up to 22.

Let’s see. Now, it’s important to realize the strength of these indicators. For instance, an 11 productive harvest cycle. If this person has a lot of 11 in their chart, they can be a genius who brings a lot of light into the world, or a mad scientist who doesn’t care what his discoveries might do to people. It can be a sign of a brilliant, inspirational teacher, or somebody who is brilliant and inspirational. But they use it for their own ends, and don’t care about what happens to other people in the process of their doing these things or following their interests, like Hannibal, for instance, Hannibal Lecter.

In other words, an 11 has a big challenge in life. Because they can be regarded as being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is why you’ll find a lot of people with the birthday number 11 who are very particular about who they hang out with, and who they marry, and so on and so forth. Because they know internally that the need that support. 22 is the number most prone to falling to the dark side, like Darth Vader and so on and so forth. You have to watch those 22s, because they will stop at nothing in order to achieve their objectives. That means getting what they want done by any means necessary. As I mentioned before, my favorite nickname for the 22 is the mastermind. That can also be a criminal mastermind. This is what you’ve got to watch out for with them, okay?


Absolutely. That’s a lot of great information. I just want to sum up, just to make sure we’ve got our heads around this. We’ve got three cycles. The formative cycle, the productive cycle, and the harvest cycle. Each one of those cycles is influenced by a certain number.

Roy Kirkland:



I want to take my chart as an example.

Roy Kirkland:



My birthday is the 11th of March, 1989. My formative cycle would be influenced by the month, which is a three, March.

Roy Kirkland:



My productive cycle is influenced by the day, which is the 11th.

Roy Kirkland:

That’s right.


The harvest cycle is influenced the 1989, so the year, which comes down to… I think it comes down to a nine. Yeah, it comes down to a nine.

Roy Kirkland:

Yeah, you’re absolutely correct.


That’s how we really work that out. Each one of those cycles, the main theme of those cycles is influenced by those numbers.

Roy Kirkland:



When we go into them, there’s no definitive sign of when we’re in one cycle or the next. Although you do talk about changing at certain times in your life.

Roy Kirkland:

Well, around 27 or so. Usually between 25 and 30.



Roy Kirkland:

You get the change over. It’s the number one year that falls within that range. The number one personal year that falls within that range. For the next cycle, it’s usually between 55 and 60 that we get the change, or sometime around there. It depends on the number one year, personal year, that the actual change is said to be solid and done. In other words, you get there. If the number one year comes a couple of years before, then you tend to start moving into the behaviors of that cycle a little bit early, or the experiences, I should say.

If it comes after, later in that period, that period of time, then usually the person has a little bit of a lag. A lot of leftover stuff to do from the previous cycle, in order to move into the next cycle. Yeah, you can define the actual years. In our programs and so on that we’ve developed for numerologists, we have the exact calculations built into it. When it says that your productive cycle begins during year so and so, it should be a number one year somewhere within that age range or close to that age range, okay?


Yeah, that makes sense. Just a reminder, to find your personal year number, that’s your month plus your day plus the year that you’re currently in, right?

Roy Kirkland:

Yes, that’s correct. For the year that you’re investigating, yes. That’s absolutely correct.


Okay, perfect. I’ve just got a few more questions, and then we’ll wrap up.

Roy Kirkland:



What are the keys to getting the cycle numbers to work for you, as opposed to in the way of what you… sorry, as opposed to getting in the way of what you really want?

Roy Kirkland:

Well, I often say in both numerology and astrology, predictions are fine. There was a time when all students studied was predicting because they wanted to make an impression on people to get them as their client. But what’s really even more important than what you can predict when it comes to experience or the types of choices they’re likely to make is, what can you do with these numbers? There’s something you can do with every single one of the numbers, no matter when it falls or where it falls in your chart.

The trick is learning about how to accept the numbers as having all of the numbers have… they’re like coins. They have heads and tails. You don’t want to throw them and see which one comes up and go, “Oh, it’s a tail. It’s bad luck. I’m getting the bad side of the eight this year.” You don’t do that. What you do is that you accept the whole number, all of its qualities. You get some clarity on what your own goals, your life goals, your immediate goals are. And let go of the unrealistic expectations about these numbers. I don’t care if your birthday number is 22. You’re 35 years old. You’ve got a gang of cohorts behind you. You’re not going to get out there and be, what’s his name? Walter White [crosstalk 00:54:23]



Roy Kirkland:

Heisenberg, and get away with it. As opposed to him, who didn’t. This isn’t going to happen because it’s an unrealistic expectation that you hold to yourself. You might want to be a great chemist, but think about how your activity is going to affect other people. Also, you never should predict to work with the challenges, especially the life challenges. Because they can really make a difference in the quality of the cycle numbers, the pinnacle numbers, in the personal years and so on. Because when you’re working with those life challenges, they fix everything in your personal numbers to… They push them upwards and elevate them, so that their best side is the one that’s always operating.

Otherwise, if you’re just sort of letting these things go and letting them flow by, and accepting whatever, you get a chance and you run the risk of those numbers coming along and saying, “Well, let’s see. I’ve used up all my good sides today. Let me hit so and so with this stuff I haven’t used yet.” You end up… Personalizing them isn’t a bad idea either. Think about, for instance, eight. Think about what the eight can do for you if you accept those positive qualities and integrate them into your life, like discipline, courage, and so on and so forth. Or what it could do for you if you don’t. If you’re standing in freedom and letting it happen at random, and not giving it what it asked for, which is what the experiences of things are. Then you’ll tend to get the other stuff that it can mean. It’s really an important thing. As a matter of fact, that’s one of the future podcasts and blog posts that I’m writing now, about what to do with your numerology chart.


Okay. That will be a really interesting one. I can’t wait to chat to you about that.

Roy Kirkland:

Oh, that’s going to be a good one.


Let’s wrap up now. What’s the main takeaway from this teaching on the subpaths?

Roy Kirkland:

Okay, the takeaway. Well, the first one is to remember that the numbers have to do with the life path, which mean the life path itself, the pinnacles, the life challenges, the life path cycles, the achievement number, and the personal year. These are numbers that are fixed. You can’t change these numbers. All you can do is accept these numbers and work with them. You can make any of them work for you. Your attitude and your mindset will guide you towards the future you desire, as long as you’re accepting these numbers and what you get them, instead of trying to change them to something else. Remember that the whole purpose of learning about numerology is to gain control with the tools within your chart that can lead you to success and happiness. That’s the big takeaway here.


Perfect. All right, Roy. Thank you so much once again for joining us today. I can’t wait for our next podcast, which will be kind of along the same lines of this subject. But we’ll be talking about pinnacles next time.

Roy Kirkland:

Yeah, those are a lot of fun.


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