The 44 Messengers of the Akashic Realm are here to support humanity in the transition into 5th dimension consciousness. The Records held by the dimension of the Akashic Realm goes beyond what anyone can access by visiting their or another’s personal Akashic Records.

The Messengers Bringing The Forecast For The Week Are:

Messenger #17. KEMETEK – Teacher Of The Art Of Manifesting

Kemetek brings the quantum ideas of manifesting from generosity and love rather than need and greed. He supports the creation of a new definition of wealth consciousness in the world.

Message: The time is right for you to shift your energy from keeping your eye on the prize to why you want to manifest your goal.

When you shift your focus from the thing you want to manifest to the feelings you want to experience, you release attachment and resistance and allow what you really want to materialize.

Messenger #11. Verbeck – Teacher Of The Path Of Knowledge

Verbeck holds the keys to the higher knowledge of the Akashic Realm. He is delighted and gratified by those who seek knowledge. He trains those who are ready to be able to access knowledge in a balanced way.

Message: There is a depth of knowledge available to you now and all you need to do is say yes to awaken and remember this knowing within you. The thirst for knowledge accelerates your expansion and makes you feel lighter and more confident.

Messenger #34. ZUARA – Guardian Of Love Between Beings

Zuara awakens the love between humans to show the way to form new families. Her power to heal with the energy of love awakens love in all beings to bring harmony to the world.

Message: Families are one of the greatest facilitators of soul development and the one with the most potential for conflict.
Resolving your conflicts with love ripples out past just the two of you, for the energy of love moves all life forward and expands the entire universe.

Come see what I have just for my Numerology Readers…that’s you…at this special page!