Card 1

4 of Cups

Over the holiday season you realized that something is emotionally missing from your home and family.  This void needs to be analyzed in order to find other ways to fill it. If it is a person that is missing, find out their Zodiac Sign and then interpret those traits into your life.  For example, if you are missing a Leo, you know that you need more fun and optimism in your life. Use this week to recognize that something is missing from your home and family. Meditate and research it to try and find the signs and messages from the universe in order to fill that void.

Card 2

Knight of Swords

Recognize that the past is haunting you. The motto: “new year, new you” is needed. Incorporate the numerological energy that is gifting us all a fresh start and new beginning. Use this week to let go of the past. You are allowed to hurt but start telling yourself that you are letting go and be so in touch with your body that you can physically feel the emotional load lifting off you.

Card 3

6 of Pentacles and Judgment

Self-care is important this week. It is great to give, but if you are not giving back to yourself you will feel completely unbalanced and therefore depleted.  If you feel that you cannot give to yourself out of fear of judgment recognize that those feelings of judgment are not legitimate. The fear of judgment is coming from a parent who scolded you in childhood and said that it is selfish to take care of yourself first. This is mostly true in feminine energy, where women and girls are expected to give to others and live from a place of service. You can use this week to clear this judgment that your parents instilled in you in childhood.
