What do ladders, black cats, and Friday the 13th all have in common?…

Legends, folklore, and superstition date back thousands of years. Ever since humans started sitting around the fire, telling stories of the day’s hunt and Grandpa’s herbal knowledge, so have existed the scarier stories rooted in legend and superstition.

Some of these folklore myths have unfortunately been lost forever, some have prevailed in ancients text and manuscripts, and some have withstood the test of time through the art of storytelling.

And just like any great story, the “curse” of Friday the 13th has spread amongst various cultures and religions, each putting their own little spin on its tale…

The Bible

Perhaps one of the most well known “unlucky number 13” tales comes directly from the bible itself.

There were 13 people present at the last supper…

and that 13th person was none other than Judas himself…

the very person who betrayed Jesus!

Today it’s still a common fear that if 13 people dine together, one of them will die the next day (which allow me to debunk right now, because most of my family gatherings involve 13 people, and we’re still kicking it).

Another Christian belief that adds to this day’s bad reputation, is that Abel was killed by his brother on Friday the 13th.

But this day’s unlucky legend started much before the times of Christianity…

Norse Mythology

In Norse mythology, we have yet another unlucky dinner party associated with 13 guests… The legend states that 12 Gods were having a dinner party (how very chic of them, no?) at Valhalla, when Loki arrived uninvited, and things went south. The mischievous Loki convinced the God of darkness (Hodor) to shoot the God of joy and gladness (Baldur the Beautiful)… and when Baldur died, the entire Earth went black in mourning…

(time out – how many of you just had flashbacks to G.O.T. when you learned the Norse God of darkness was named Hodor?)

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled, unlucky urban legend, programming…

King Philip, of France, ordered the mass arrest of the Knights Templar on Friday 13th, 1307 which led to the killing and torture of thousands of Knights Templar.

But the O.G. legend of them all…

Comes from another Norse myth, this one centered around the Goddess Frigga. It was believed that every Friday, Frigga gathered a group of 11 other witches and (of course) the devil… When this group of 13 gathered each Friday, they would hackle and plot mischievous plans to unleash evil unto the world…

After Christianity took over, this myth carried on strong with the belief that a coven of 12 witches and the devil would gather on Fridays.

And unfortunately for women, this legend that started all other unlucky legends, is how our power began to get stripped away little by little (or a lot all at once)…

Screw the patriarchy

That’s right, before patriarchy, 13 was associated with The Goddess and divine feminine. Friday the 13th was a day that was honored, it celebrated the power of creation that women hold within them.

There are 13 lunar cycles in a year…

Women have 13 menstrual cycles in a year…

Women have 13 chances to create life every single year  (how magical is that?) …

And speaking of menstruation, patriarchy is to blame for the shame and discomfort that’s often associated with it today.

A girl getting her first bleed used to be celebrated and revered in societies. It was her mark into womanhood, her divine right to create life was something that was worshiped – not disgraced and hidden.

The patriarchy stole a very important day from us women… twisting it and turning it into a day of fear, associated with negative connotations, evil, and death.

Okay, so the myths are rooted in man-centric B.S., but what about Numerology?

A founding principle of Numerology is that no number can be defined as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. 

Every number has certain attributes and characteristics to it, but none of these are inherently good or bad. Humans just like to box everything up into categories and columns… and we seriously LOVE having a scape-goat to pin all of our unlucky happenings on.

We tend to associate 666 with hide-yo-wife-hide-yo-kids pure evil, and 11:11 with super-duper-better-buy-a-lottery-ticket good luck.

But the truth is: 13 is no more of an unlucky number than any other number… 

In Numerology, 13 reduces to 4, and 4 is a number that’s associated with foundations, materiality, physicality, practicality, and prosperity… all pretty great things, don’t you think?

Pythagoreans believed 4 was the perfect number, and they associated the square (four points) with God…

Ancient Egyptians believed that heaven was supported by 4 pillars rising up from the Earth…

Mayans believed the celestial skies were supported by 4 beings…

Each year has 4 seasons…

And bringing it back to our favorite sister, the Moon has 4 phases…

I don’t see the curse, do you?

And on that note…

It’s actually pretty common for numbers to have unfounded negative connotations attached to them, when in fact, unlocking their power is the key to manifesting ultimate abundance, joy and success. Our signature Manifesting With Numbers program reveals a 4,000-year-old numerology secret and 10 manifesting shortcuts so you can unlock your most abundant destiny. Click below to get a huge discount on the program…

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Modern day triskaidekaphobia…

Triskaidekaphobia (aka fear of Friday the 13th), is very alive and well in today’s society.

People are downright stressed, anxious, and paralyzed by fear when Friday the 13th rolls around – which quick fact: can only happen three times a year maximum, but must happen at least once every year… isn’t our calendar goofy?

In today’s modern world, skyscrapers are built without 13th floors, airports skip gate #13, houses are numbered as 12.5 rather than 13, hospitals don’t have room #13. And millions of people refuse to fly, do business, or leave the house at all on Friday the 13th…

And why? Because some dudes a long time ago felt threatened by women? (insert biggest eye roll everrrrr)

Unlearning the narrative

We create our destiny. Our beliefs hold our power. Our stories create our reality… If you want to change the realities you face on Friday the 13th, you first have to change your story of it.

Friday the 13th is not evil. It’s not cursed or unlucky.

Friday the 13th is a powerful day of divine feminine energy. A day of celebration, a day of creation, a day of life, and joy. Start celebrating the magic represents. Reclaim it.

So, how are you going to make Friday the 13th lucky for you? Share in the comment below!