You may agree that 2020 was a year that threw the entire world off course – and it’s not exactly gotten back to normal yet. All aspects of human life encountered setbacks in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These included means of earning, weekly schedules, routines, and plans, among many others.

As a result of being thrown into a whirlwind of trouble and uncertainty, 4 in 10 adults in the United States reported symptoms of depression or anxiety in 2020. This is as opposed to the 1 in 10 adults of the American population reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression from January to June 2019. 

Another aspect of life that took a hit from the COVID-19 pandemic was spiritual wellbeing. Spiritual distress is a significant contributor to anxiety and mistrust in the workings of the world. There have been numerous studies conducted (such as the research by Columbia University’s Medical Center) that have revealed the importance of spirituality in maintaining one’s health and emotional well-being. 

Connecting to your Higher Consciousness is a great way to recognize yourself as a part of the universe and the Source. Cosmic energy links all living beings with each other and is contained within every human. 

This universal energy that is your Higher Self can be accessed at any time to bring to the surface your innate knowledge and wisdom!


Connecting to Higher Guidance 

Your Higher Self can serve as a beacon of light, guiding you through difficult times. The benefits of connecting to Higher Guidance include receiving opportunities for deep reflection and introspection. Your Higher Self knows the exact direction you need to take that will be for your highest good. 

Interacting with your Higher Self is a great way to purposefully relax your mind and withdraw from external distractions. 

How do you connect to Higher Guidance? Read on to find out! 

Create a Sacred Space 

The first step to establishing a connection with your Higher Self is creating a sacred space. Your goal is to foster the spiritual connection to Higher Guidance. Accordingly, choose a spot in your home that resonates with your inner peace and state of mind. 

Remember it need not be an entire room, it could even be a corner of your living room or your bedroom. The idea is for you to relax and connect with your intuition when you are alone in this space. 

Your sacred space can be created with small and meaningful details such as light-colored fabrics, icons, candles, plants, crystals, and music. 

Put together everything that brings you calm and joy and allows energetic healing and you will have a sacred space that is perfect for you!

Set an Intention to meet your Higher Self 

Intention setting is an extremely powerful tool that can influence your connection with Higher Guidance. To set an intention, you need to state what you would like to accomplish with your actions. 

Setting an intention requires you to focus on the present – who you are, what you need to do, and why you need to do it. This puts you in the right frame of mind to establish a connection with your Higher Self. 

Before you begin your ritual, take a deep breath and set an intention to meet with Higher Guidance. Believe in your actions and express your request with sincerity. Intuitive messages on what actions to take are a sign that your request has been accepted. 


Create a Ritual 

Once you have set an intention, you will be able to intuitively discern how to acknowledge this beautiful connection. One of the best ways to do this is by creating a ritual that honors you, your sacred space, your intentions, and your Higher Self. 

Doing something as simple as lighting incense and sitting in silence for a couple of minutes can be a great way to align with your intention. This can be followed by saying a quick prayer or writing your thoughts in a journal. 

Remember to do what resonates most with you; what feels just “right” to you. This can vary from person to person, and depend upon the connection you have to Higher Guidance. If it feels right to you, you can even consider the planetary influences of the day and incorporate changes into your ritual accordingly. 

Take your time to create a ritual that works for you. 

Acknowledge Your Thoughts and Let Them Go 

Setting your intention and beginning your ritual will help you enter the right energetic space. In this space, it is important to recognize what thoughts begin forming in your mind. 

Do you find that you are drawn to events that have happened in your past? Or is your mind racing with thoughts about the future? Are you physically and mentally present in the moment? 

Try not to reject any thoughts you have. Do not label or judge them. If what you are thinking is making you anxious, take a deep breath and let it go. Recognize that your thoughts do not have control over you.  


Your ritual to connect with Higher Guidance is incomplete without meditation. Meditation is easily one of the most effective and powerful ways of connecting to your Higher Self. 

Guided meditation is a great way to begin the practice. You can then go on to modify the guidance and create a meditation routine that works best for you. 

Connecting with your breathwork while meditating can help you raise your vibrational frequency and receive guidance from your Higher Self. Quieten the chatter of your mind with deep breaths and keep your focus on your intention during the meditation session. 

Ask Questions 

If you are doing your meditation and breathwork correctly (remember, this will take time, practice, and a great deal of patience), you should soon begin recognizing warm and compassionate waves of energy. 

You might even receive images in your mind’s eye of a person, an animal symbol, or simply a presence. There is no right or wrong way to understand this energy, but it is confirmation that you are in touch with your Higher Self. 

Take a deep breath and open your heart to the love and compassion you feel. Ask the energy a question and pay attention to the messages you receive. You can ask anything you like, including the meaning of your recurring dog-biting dreams.

The answers could come in the form of physical sensations, emotions, or visual images. Make a note of these messages and introspect on the same once your meditation is complete. 

Maintain a Dream Journal 

One of the ways Higher Selves love to communicate is via the dreamscape. Dreams often occur during the REM stage of sleep, when the brain is active but the body is completely relaxed. This makes you more receptive to the messages Higher Guidance has for you. 

Consider keeping a dream journal where you record the dreams as soon as you wake up. Capturing the essence of the dream with a few pointers, sentences, or even sketches can be a great way to record any themes. 

Once you are wide awake and in the right frame of mind, you can refer to online dream dictionaries or even resort to your intuition. This will help you arrive at guidance meant specifically for you. 

Go with the Flow 

Practicing staying in the present is a great way to connect with your Higher Self. You may often be caught up with the events of the past or may be anxious about what may come in the future. If you struggle to stay in the present, try this simple exercise: 

Decide to allow everything that happens to you in a day as it happens. This means allowing your thoughts, external environment, and emotions to take you along with it throughout the day. Do not resist anything that you feel or experience. 

The idea behind this exercise is to connect more with the present, thereby opening yourself up to Higher Guidance. 


Try Intuitive Journaling 

Intuitive journaling can be incorporated into your ritual and is an excellent way to directly communicate with your Higher Self.

Keep a piece of paper and pen ready and take a deep breath. Ask a question and immediately write your first answer or gut reaction to the question. Do not stop to ponder over what you have written.

Ensure your writing matches the speed of your thoughts and once you are done, take a deep breath and recenter yourself. Then go back to what you wrote and read through it, keeping an eye out for messages that seem “wiser.”

You can even try understanding personalized angel messages available online. Remember to take what resonates and leave the rest. 


A big reason why we struggle to connect with Higher Guidance is that a lot of our mental and emotional capacity is burdened. More often than not, the burden is the baggage from the past and present that is not necessary.

Consider spending some time in silence, recognizing what it is you can let go of. Think of the different assumptions you have, your ideals, beliefs, and conditioning. What does not serve your highest good is immediately something that you can let go of. 

Connecting to your Higher Self is a process that will take time and patience. Know that you can trust your intuition to guide you. With the right intention, you will be able to connect to divine and supportive messages whenever you need them! 


Guest Post By Rachel Torgerson

Rachel Torgerson is a Tarot reader, dream-worker, shamanic healer, and the author of With roots in Christian mysticism, she blends elements of the divine feminine, dream interpretation, and sacred imagery into her spiritual practice and healing work. For many years, she has shared the magic of manifestation with thousands of clients by tapping into the transformational energy of color and Tarot to promote self-empowerment and problem-solving through retreats, lectures, workshops, and one-on-one services.