February 2020Pin


The energy of February is set to feel SO MUCH softer and more stable than the upheaval of last month, as home, family, and friends take precedence.

The stage is set for domestic bliss and harmony, so picture yourself happily feeding a babble of friends around the kitchen table and you’ll be about right. Just don’t drive yourself into a frenzy trying to get everything just right…

The shadow side of the number 6 vibration is perfectionism. So nit-picking and critical behavior may rear up its ugly head if you’re not careful.

The antidote to this is an abundance of self-care. Focus on self-nurturing practices this month, especially tactile, pleasure-filled activities like massage and hot baths steaming with an infusion of essential oils.

And whilst you’re at it, why not bathe with your beau? The 6 is also the number of lovers– so be sure to schedule in some quality timewith your S.O. this month. Still looking for yours? Then this could be the month you get lucky!

Also worth noting this month – the 2/2/2 number code that makes up this 6 Universal Month is a sacred sign of deep spiritual connection. Been trusting your intuitionlately? Don’t take yours for granted – flex those psychic muscles, ok?!