If you’ve got a favor to ask, waiting until Mercury trines Pluto on May 2nd 2021 might be a good idea! Under this sky, your ability to convince people to help you or to support your message will be heightened.

Mercury Trine Pluto Transit

Under the Mercury trine Pluto transit, you’re under the influence of these two planets, meaning communication and power are at play. So, it makes sense that your words will have more gravity today.

You’ll have more influence on those around you, which is beneficial in debating, persuading or negotiating. At work, this could mean convincing management that your ideas are solid or converting a sale. In your personal life, if you are about to make a major purchase, you may be able to get a better deal for yourself today. At home, it may just be as simple as convincing your toddler to eat their vegetables!

Remember though, during this transit, everyone is under the influence of this power, so it may be you who finds yourself convinced by someone else. It is good to know that anything you’re ‘convinced of’ during this transit will probably lead to a successful partnership or project, so don’t fear the unknown too much. Before you jump in feet first, you may want to engage in a deeper discussion. And that’s totally fine!

You’ll have more clarity today, giving you a deeper understanding of yourself and others. It is this understanding that will allow you to communicate so you get to the solution you want. But be careful, don’t use your power to manipulate others.

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Mercury Trine Pluto Natal

If you have Mercury trine Pluto in your birth chart, it is likely that your intellect and your inquisitive nature are your best assets. You like to look at things on a deeper level rather than just taking them at surface value. It is this mindset that will lead to a high chance of you becoming an expert in a specific area of your interest.

You hold your own in serious and deep conversations but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some light-hearted conversations with friends. That said, you probably won’t have an abundance of friends and you prefer to hold friendships with a few people who allow you to express your deep thoughts.

Ready to know more about how your natal planets affect your life? You can get your Free Astrological Personality Profile here.