The dreaded three weeks of Mercury Retrograde are now over! Hurrah! And that means we can throw caution to the wind and go back to our care-free lives where we threw around funny quips, sent emails without a second thought and didn’t worry about coming across like a complete idiot in our work meetings…

Ok, that’s not exactly the reality that most of us live in. But going back to ‘normal’ after an intense Mercury Retrograde feels a bit like this!

And while we’re always told that we need to take care when it comes to communication during Mercury Retrograde, it doesn’t mean that you can be completely mindless about it when the pesky planet is direct. There are other forces at play that affect this essential area of your life…

The First Work Week After Mercury Retrograde

When Mercury stations direct during the weekend, it’s always a little bit of an issue. Running on a high, many of us go back to work on a Monday with a false sense of security and carefree abandon that everything is about to be AWESOME!

But, it doesn’t take long to realize that we’re not invincible. Nor are we exempt from making faux pas during Mercury Retrograde’s shadow.

Wait, what?!

Urm, yeah! Did you think Retrograde was over? “Haha!” Mercury laughs…

 Related: Mercury Stations Direct! But Wait…Here’s What You Need To Know About The Mercury Retrograde Shadow

There’s a little period, just after the trickster planet stations direct that allows Mercury to mess with us just a little more. And although the energy is not as intense as during a full-blown retrograde, it can be just as annoying.

Once you hear that Mercury is stationing direct, you’re probably like many of us who just let our guards down.

During this time, you begin to go back to communicating without worry…  and that’s when Mercury strikes!

So, for the next week or so, tread lightly and remember that Mercury is still at play.

But Mercury Isn’t The Only Force To Watch Out For

Sure, Mercury Retrograde is over, and we don’t want to rain on your parade…

But there are other planetary influences acting on his behalf.

Ok, technically, the planets aren’t conspiring, but it sometimes feels a bit like that!

This week, you will get a little reprieve with the energies in the air taking a more positive line. But over the next few weeks, there are some astro-events that will do Mercury’s dirty work.

  • On March 2, the Moon squares Pluto, potentially bringing some emotional manipulation.
  • When the Moon enters Sagittarius on March 5, a joke may be taken too far or be misunderstood (even if you have the best intentions).
  • A Moon-Mars square on March 11 might have your internal communication with yourself in turmoil…

Wait, did the Moon just become the new Mercury?!?

No, no, no, it didn’t! But you see how a thought can just spiral? Yeah, you need to keep that in check!

Related: Mercury Retrograde Is Over. But Don’t Get Too Excited Because There Are 14 Other Astro-Events That Will Still Eff You Up.

The Truth

In reality, the planetary influences at play at any point can have some effect on your communication. And that’s mainly because it is such a prevalent part of life. Your communication with yourself, your colleagues, your loved ones, strangers; it’s part of life. So, no matter what happens in the cosmos, the rippling energy can easily infiltrate this aspect of your life.

So, although Mercury is direct, don’t let your guard down all the way, starchild!