The Emperor is the Master of the Material Plain. Architect of Empires, he can get a lot done …

But in his effort to build structure, he risks isolating himself from the very meaning of life!

I call the Emperor the ‘Master of the Material Plain’ because this archetype knows how to build. And whether that’s empires, systems or structures, when the Emperor shows up in a tarot reading, it means you’ve got material support and possibility related to whatever you are asking about.

Not all Abundance is Happy

As a material reality master, the Emperor, like his consort from last month’s blog post (the Empress) is all about abundance. But the risk with Emperor energy is abundance at the expense of happiness, health or relationships.

The shadow side of the Emperor includes a disconnect from the heart. So when he shows up in a reading, be sure to examine any relationship sacrifices or compromises you might be making in the name of material or financial ‘security’. This can be relationships with others – such as your spouse, kids, family or friends. But it can also refer to your relationship with yourself.

Best Use of Emperor

Emperor energy serves you best when he is balanced with enough self-care. It’s easy to get caught up in big projects and start to neglect other important aspects of your life, like eating well, exercise, getting enough sleep and giving loving energy to your primary relationships.

When you do this, you have the fortitude to go far with the building, material mastery of Emperor!

Where would you like to see a little more – or a little less! – Emperor Energy in your life? Let me know in the comments below.
Many Blessings,