Depositphotos_24043123_xl (2)PinThe other evening my daughter Clara and I were discussing names. She loves writing stories and gives her characters fun, interesting names based on personality traits.

Over dinner she asked, “Mom, what does it mean when a name has four syllables?”

As she gave me her examples – Anastasia (one of her favorites), Elizabeth, Arianna, Gabriela, Emanuel, Alexander and Isabella – I pondered her question.

“Names with four syllables have a strong tendency to want to categorize and define their experiences. They do better having a plan of action, like a map and strategy in place for their projects and aspirations. Feeling secure and grounded is a key ingredient for their peace of mind.”

I explained to Clara that four-syllable names are more rare than two-syllable names, like hers, which rank the highest in terms of frequency.

That piqued her interest!

Two-syllable sounds allow us to experience the meaning of the number two. Two is the number that defines one-on-one relationships – where we have our greatest growth experiences!

So the symbolism of the number two, and its strong activation in two-syllable names, defines our deepest yearning… for Love.

Empathy is put into practice between two people.

Our hearts are warmed and stirred by our lovers and loved ones.

▶ Two governs equilibrium and balance between two perspectives, people, ideas.

▶ Two is a fork in the road – a choice, a decision – a break-through.

▶ Two symbolizes two polar opposites, two sides of the same coin, feminine and masculine.

Number two signifies two people side-by-side exchanging energy and communicating their individuality – while a mutual agreement of peace is quietly agreed upon. The peace you feel in union with another is one of the greatest gifts of life – the gift of Love.

One way to feel the number two resonate within your heart is in a first, middle or last name of two-syllables.

Amazingly, this significance extends to two-syllable words as well.

A baby’s first word is usually “Ma-ma” or “Pa-pa” or “Da-da”.

The word “Ba-by” has two syllables. So do the words sib-ling, sis-ter and bro-ther plus family members that are cousins, grand-pa and grand-ma.

It is significant that our subconscious and conscious yearning for love through communication and relationships extends to top-ranked website names as well.

Most of the highest ranked websites have two syllables:


Why? Because two sounds, spoken or written side-by-side, activate BOTH our heart and mind.

They CONNECT us!

Messages are communicated between you and another being or another dimension.

So where does that leave one-syllable or three-syllable names? Or names with four, five, six syllables and beyond?

Every syllable count emits its own powerful meaning, carries a profound impact on us.

Each RHYTHM resonating from a name or word affects us.

The number two happens to be significant to humans due to the nature of relationship.

And that is particularly true NOW.

When we entered the 2000s fifteen years ago, we birthed the number 2 in all our experiences.

We began a deeper exploration of balance.

We began learning that the essential ingredient of love is letting go of judgment.

The 1900s and previous thousand years all began with the number 1.

In the next thousand years we are awakening to love between you and me, love from one to another – communication birthed from self-understanding and translated into empathy.

Words like HEALTHY and HAPPY define a life in BALANCE.

This is also why a publisher like HAY HOUSE is making such an impact on our Spiritual Nature.

Enjoy exploring the beauty and mystery of syllables!

Love and Blessings,
