Have you had experiences where you had a random thought only to experience it in real life? What about dreams that have turned out to be a powerful navigation tool to guide your decision-making and everyday life? Have you experienced a gut feeling telling you to take the longer route to work, only to realize that the faster route has been blocked for the entire day?

While there are many terms for these surreal moments that a lot of us have encountered from time to time, many have recognized that these experiences are nothing but our intuition working its magic!

Intuition is the gift that all of us Earthlings possess, a tuning fork that helps us align to the energies of our higher selves and spirit guides. Learning to recognize this unique connection we possess to higher vibrational forces will only help us navigate the nuances of our lives on Earth. With a world that is largely driven by the fact-paced and action-oriented Yin energy, many of us have grown to become rational and result-driven. Coupled with aggressive determination, this is the energy that has resulted in us snuffing out the delicate link between our 3D selves and our higher selves with its divine and loving guidance. Finding out what your Life Path number is is also a great way to connect with spiritual energies that have been in play since you were born!

Working on reconnecting with this Higher Guidance can prove to be an incredible tool in making the most of our 3D lives. If receiving divine support at every step of your journey sounds like an incredible thing to experience, read on to discover the top 10 best ways to access Higher Guidance!

10 Real-Life Ways to Access Higher Guidance

We have all experienced those moments of utter bliss and calm while taking a quick minute to meditate or succumbing to the gentle thrum of energy in our bodies after a yoga session. Believe it or not, it is exactly during moments like these when our connection to Higher Guidance is significantly stronger.

Practicing mindfulness in your everyday life might seem challenging, but here are some excellent strategies to developing that beautiful connection to your Higher Self, one step at a time:

1. Make Meditation a Regular Practice

The easiest and most effective way of receiving divine guidance from your Higher Self and Spirit Guides is by taking some time out every day to meditate. Meditation allows you to connect to the stillness present within – muting all the movements and noises associated with a fast-paced life. Being able to sit silently and acknowledging every thought and emotion that emerges will help you recognize any divine messages that are meant for you to receive. Scheduling around 30-minutes a day to sitting in silence and listening to your thoughts and feelings is a great way of connecting to Higher Guidance! And remember – everything gets easier and better with practice!

You can also consider adding a tarot reading to your everyday meditation – The Hierophant card popping out will be a surefire sign to make useful changes in your life!

2. Maintain a Dream Journal

If there is one thing your higher self loves, it is communicating with yourself while you are sound asleep – in your vivid dreams. It is during deep and undisturbed sleep that the boundaries between reality and spirituality become blurry – given that REM sleep is when your brain is active, but your body is thoroughly relaxed. Most of the vivid dreams that you can recall once awake are Higher Guidance messages that are shared when you are in peaceful slumber. This allows you to accept the messages you are receiving without questioning them and processing them upon waking and provide you with much-needed insight into your life. You can consider dream journaling the moment you wake and researching the deep imagery and symbolism of your dreams to discern divine guidance and messages for you!

3. Tune Into Your Gut Feeling

The gut is where the solar plexus chakra resides, with energies that connect us to our mental body. This explains why when you think of a specific person or situation, your mind might come up with a thought but your gut might have a different reaction to that thought. The next time you find yourself in a situation where your gut seems to react, take a deep breath and try to recognize what your gut is feeling. Is it tensed up or relaxed? Are you at peace or are you anxious? Are you feeling butterflies or are you feeling nauseous? Listening to your body and its primal reaction to your thoughts and environment is a surefire way to accessing Higher Guidance via the energies of the solar plexus chakra.

4. Open Your Heart Space

To open your heart space, take a deep breath and imagine a green light in the center of your chest. Feel the pulsating energy of this green light and imagine it taking over your entire being, filling you with warmth and love for all that you experience. Opening your heart space allows you to connect to your intuition and embrace all that it tells you. A sign that you have opened your heart space is being able to appreciate, love, and rediscover the smallest of things that bring you happiness in your immediate environment. Awaken a deep love and recognition for the complexity of the life you are living and how it is interwoven with those around you. This raises your vibration and connects you to much-needed Higher Guidance and love. Your numerology chart might also reveal a considerable amount of information you can use in your everyday life!

5. Ask the Right Questions

If you find yourself stuck in a dilemma, close your eyes, take a deep breath and “ask” your Higher Self a question. This is a technique that will take time and practice, but once perfected is an excellent way of receiving Higher Guidance no matter where you are and what you are doing. You also need to remember to trust the answer you receive, even if it may not be what you were expecting to learn. Use your breath to clear your mind and pose the question confidently, connecting to your gut to recognize any emotions that you might be feeling. Go on to respecting, acknowledging, and thanking your Higher Self for the guidance you have received.

6. Ask Your Body Before Making a Decision

The human body is a marvelous creation. Respected for all that it is and all the energies it sustains, tuning into your body is a great way to receive Higher Guidance when in need. For example, if you are considering making an important decision, you can ask your body to help you tap into your inner wisdom. Standing with your spine straight and your arms firmly at your side, ask your body if the decision you are making is for your highest good or not. If your body leans forward, consider the answer a “yes” and “no” if it leans backward. This may not be a foolproof strategy, but is an excellent way of recognizing the power and innate wisdom present in your very cells.

7. Play a Game with your Intuition (and Your Higher Self)

This is a fun activity that you can engage in every day to strengthen your relationship with your intuition and your Higher Self. Invite your spirit guides and Higher Self to play guessing games with you. Do not get too disappointed if your guesses are not always right, remember practice is what is going to strengthen and exercise your intuitive muscles! Try to guess who has called you before you glance at your phone screen, or what color your significant other has decided to wear today before they do. Trying this over and over again will fine-tune your ability to go inwards and receive the answers you seek!

8. Spend Some Time in Nature

Believe it or not, being constantly surrounded by the electromagnetic radiation emanating from your devices can cause you to enter a state of mental and intuitive fog. Consider taking a little time from your everyday routine to walk over grass, or appreciate the wind blowing through your hair or the stars twinkling in the sky. Doing something as simple as sipping on a delicious cup of coffee in a park can be a great way to disconnect from the fog of digital devices, and reconnect with the power and beauty of nature. Your Spirit Guides might even choose to communicate with you through a butterfly on your bench or a cat that chooses to rub itself against you, giving you a moment of comfort and clarity.

9. Try Intuitive Journaling

A great way to receive Higher Guidance is simply intuitive journaling! Bring out your laptop or your journal and write a question that you seek the answer to. Immediately after that, type or write the first answer or gut-reaction you experience. Keep doing this a couple of times with different questions, making it a point to immediately write down the gut response to the question you have asked. Once you are done with asking all your questions, take a deep breath, clear your mind and go back to read the answers you have typed or written. Some of the answers might not make sense to you immediately, but journaling is a great way to record your instincts and come back to them whenever needed!

10. Visualization

A technique that is also used for psychological and emotional relief, visualization is a great way to access your innate wisdom, intuition and open yourself up to Higher Guidance. When faced with a difficult situation, consider the different possibilities of working through the problem. Spend a quiet moment visualizing how you expect the situation to be resolved and work backward to determine the best way you can do so in real life. This is a method that works wonders to help build castles in the sky while keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground!

Guest Post provided by Leon from tarostrology.net