full moon june 2015PinThe optimism is infectious…

 It’s ringing throughout the numerology and astrology code…

June ignites your life with joy! The energy this month is full of life and movement!

The highlight of June is the culmination of Jupiter trine Uranus on June 22, one day after the Summer Solstice. This is a focal point of joy in 2015, merging the 22 Master Number of Peace with expansive optimism and breakthroughs.

Fire signs ignite the Light within you! And this Full Moon occurs in the fire sign of Sagittarius.

Furthermore, it triggers one of the most optimistic events of 2015 – one that defines this powerful Wealth and Power year.

On June 2 the Sagittarius Full Moon fires up your journey into abundance:

  • June begins with a powerful 11:11 Full Moon at 11 degrees Sagittarius and 11 degrees Gemini opening up a portal of opportunity.
  • The Moon initiates the Grand Trine between Uranus and Jupiter which culminates on June 22.
  • This Grand Trine in the fire signs of Aries-Leo-Sagittarius is a gift from the Universe!
  • June’s 14/5 Freedom and Happiness Code emits the SAME joyful message – giving you a platform to explore and play.
  • The expansive view generated by the 11:11 portal and 14/5 Universal Month means there are unlimited opportunities for abundance and joy!

The message here is: Live spontaneously.

Explore the riches life has to offer. Bring FUN into everything you do. Welcome all the flavors of life!

And don’t take things too personally…

June is one of those months where anything can happen – and very quickly. So you’ll want to be open – and fexlible.

  • You’ll want to focus on what ignites your soul with joy.
  • You’ll want to connect with other people and share the adventure.
  • You’ll want to laugh… a lot!

If you have been wondering WHEN exacty your life will shift, then this is the moment you have been waiting for. The Grand Trine with Jupiter and Uranus merged with the joyful, freedom-loving 14/5 Code for June – positively guarantees it!

Be full invested in the ecstasy and exhilaration that await you this month!

Here’s to you smiling your way through June – beginning with the Full Moon.

Love and Blessings,
