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This week’s theme is Stay Optimistic and Wrap it Up!

Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Reading.

Which number are you drawn to this week?

12 or 49?

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today? Then post the number you picked in the comments below and also I’d love to hear what part of the message really hit home for you?

Messages for #12

If #12 has found its way into your heart this week you are being asked to look to new experiences with optimism instead of fear. What’s happening in the world right now is temporary and “this too shall pass” so stay grounded and try to find the silver lining in the cloud. Now is definitely the time to make lemonade out of lemons.

Remember your perception about anything that’s happening in your life is driven by old programs that may be ready to be released. Allow whatever emotion you’re feeling to arise and be with it in that moment. Then reach for an optimistic thought or affirmation.

Out of this experience, only good will come.

This week incorporate FUN and play into your day. Find ways to bring a sense of humor into difficult times. Just simply smiling (even when you don’t feel like it) can help keep your vibration high and shift your energy.

When we break down our number 12 this week we get…

1- limitless
2- everything’s going to be ok
1+2=3 – creativity

#12: Stay Optimistic

Being aware of your vibration is so important right now because a HIGH vibration can strengthen your immune system there are sooo many studies that have proven that attitude is key. Also, don’t forget to get outside and get fresh air and sunshine. If you can’t physically go outside OPEN A WINDOW and get some fresh air for 10 min every day and sit by a window in the sun.

Again, studies have proven FRESH AIR & SUNSHINE are two of nature’s best medicines for any ailment!

3 Words to Inspire:

1. Positivity

2. Passionate

3. Purposeful

Love & Relationships

If the number 12 was calling to you today it’s a sign of GOOD LUCK when it comes to love. This week it’s all about loving and caring for others and being “selfless.” Be aware of jealousy or feeling possessive of another.

If you are single the #12 brings a splash of order and love into your life so watch for love to show up unexpectedly in other areas … then allow it to spill out into all that you do and bring to life.

Affirmation for #12

I stay optimistic and trust in the underlying order of the Universe.

Messages for #49

If #49 was beckoning you it’s time to finish up anything that’s left undone. Tie up those loose strings and wrap up that project because you’re going to need all your time and energy for what’s coming up next!

When we break down the numbers we get…

4 – Angels are with you and trust
9 – Endings and leading by example
4+9=4 – So we have double the energy of 4 so imagine DOUBLE the number of angels around you and DOUBLE your trust!

#49: New Doors of Opportunity

This is an exciting message to get right now because many people are in a doom and gloom mentality right now and they can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. But for you, I am seeing a new, exciting opportunity opening up as the Angels position you for the next level of service to humanity.

You are needed in a much bigger way and the doors are being opened and the way is being paved for your Divine life mission to unfold or move to a whole new level of unexpected goodness and grace.

Focus on your goals not what you have that you don’t like.

Ask your Angels to help remember you have DOUBLE the numbers on your side right now, there is NO lack anywhere!

Be the light for a new order is arising and you will be a key player in getting this underway and into position. Security brings progress so believe in yourself and the messages you are receiving are real. Squash that doubting Thomas in your head like a bug on the sidewalk. There is no room for negativity or fear.

Again, be the light. A new order is arising and your spiritual team is moving you into position. Surrender and trust that all is unfolding perfectly.

3 Words to Inspire:

1. Strong

2. Secure

3. Safe

Love & Relationships

This week in romance you are invited to stay calm and steady. This is the time for a rational and logical approach. Try not to get ahead of yourself and just focus on one day at a time. Slow and steady wins the race, not Debbie the drama queen!

This holds true if you are single and looking for love. Be patient this week with yourself and others there really is no rush right now.

Affirmation For #49

I do what needs to be done and focus on the bigger picture.

Which number resonated with you this week?

Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.

Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.

I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Reading. Thank you for sharing this message if it resonated with you.

May you have a week filled with bright smiles and much laughter as we all take one day at a time and focus on what matters most which is love and connection.

Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle
