Numerology is so multifaceted…

Your personal numerology chart tells you a lot about your life, your destiny and your purpose.

The Universal Numerology of a day, month or year reveals trials and tribulations for the collective.

But what about when they’re combined?

Your Personal Month

In Numerology, your Personal Month gives you a good indication of the specific themes, challenges and triumphs you’ll experience in any given month.


To calculate your Personal Month Number, you simply need to add your Personal Year Number to the current month number. Your Personal Year number is just your day and month of birth added to the current year number.

If you were born on June 23, your Personal Year in 2021 is 7



Back to the Personal Month number: 

Simply add your Personal Year number to the current month number (which for March is 3), reduce if necessary. And voila, you have calculated your Personal Month number.

So, someone with a birthday of June 23 would add the current month number to 7 (Personal Year Number) and get their Personal Month Number as 8 for January 2021, 9 for February 2021, 1 for March 2021 etc.

Below, we reveal the specific challenges and triumphs you’ll experience in each month of 2021.

But before you read on, if you want to skip the lesson and quickly reveal what each and every day personally holds for you, click here to get your Daily Numeroscope now!


If July is a personal 4 month for you

The number 4 is all about laying a strong foundation. It is sometimes thought of as a boring number as it is practical and efficient, but it is anything but dull. The number 4 is the missing peice of the puzzle between thinking about your dream life and it becoming a reality. Without the number 4, not much happens.

So, for you in a Personal Month #4, you’ll be called to put in the work to lay the foundations for your next steps. With a practical approach, the number 4 will give you clarity when it comes to finding solutions for forging a complex path to your destiny.

Personal Month #4 + #3 Universal Month

July 2021 is a #3 Universal Month, so you must look at your Personal Month combined with this.

When your Personal Month number 3 combines with a number 3 Universal Month, it brings forth the perfect power couple. The number 3 is all about self-expression and creativity. So, once you’ve unleashed your creativity, the number 4 will make sense of it and help you take practical steps to take things to the next level.

The #3 asks you to find creative outlets to express yourself so you can tell the Universe who you are and who you want to become. The number 4 takes your vision and shows the Universe that not only do you know who and where you want to be, but you also know how to get there. And for that, the Universe will reward you.

Excited about July? Well, there’s one more thing you can do to further understand how you can truly access to the power of every single day of this month. Get your Daily Numeroscope now 

Future Months of 2021

If August is a personal 4 month for you

You feel confident and fierce! No one can stop you from reaching the peak. You know that it is time to take center stage and show others what you are capable of. Prove to the world that you are worth it. It is an incredible time for any activity that helps you enhance your standing in the world. You may be taking stratospheric strides on the corporate ladder that will shock your peers and colleagues. However, you know that you deserve it! You might also find that additional responsibilities are put on your table. Still, these are balanced by a fatter paycheck and possibly that crucial promotion you have been asking the universe for!

If September is a personal 4 month for you

This month asks you to be more inward-looking. Take time to have an appointment with yourself and analyze where you are. Don’t hesitate to ask the big existential questions that may have been boggling you for the past months or even years. It is a tremendous inner plunge that lies ahead. The pilgrimage will lead you to search for yourself again. It would help if you decided now what truly brings satisfaction to your life to get the ball rolling and achieve all you have been dreaming of. Release all your resentments and bitterness to make the future more serene.

If October is a personal 4 month for you

It is a fantastic month to give in to your thirst for adventure. Do something new and exciting. Something as simple as getting a new haircut or purchasing new fashion can kickstart positive vibes that can set the stage for the next 30 days. You must also connect with people close to your life, especially if you haven’t been touching base for some time. On a professional level, it is crucial to interact with the people you work with on a deeper level. You have the power to create an impact in others’ lives, so it is crucial to act on your empathy at all times. Don’t hesitate to be kind since it helps you earn good karma. You may sometimes feel that others don’t need you, but this month assures you that others require your presence, and you are a healing force that can create positive changes!

If November is a personal 4 month for you

This is an intensely spiritual month. You may find that you will be having incredible ideas from out of the blue. The Muses seem to be whispering directly in your ear. Receive this grace and jot down any unique idea that crosses your mind for review later. It can be the start of something big in big, bold capital letters. Keep in mind that these flashes of inspiration should be harnessed to enhance your career and make all your dreams come true!

If December is a personal 4 month for you

This month promises to be a busy month. It is an extremely entertaining and fun month not just because it is a festive season but also because of the energy of the number 4. Roll up your sleeves for the challenges and tasks ahead. The workplace environment is sure to be fun, and everything feels lighthearted, allowing everyone to work tirelessly and efficiently. Make sure to take breaks to calm and balance your mind and body. This is the month where you must put in practical reality all your plans you’ve created in the past months and end the year with a bang!

Past Months of 2021

If January is a personal month 4 for you

It is the month to set things in motion. Keep in mind that this is a workaholic month! If you have important projects underway, it is crucial to work diligently on them. When it comes to relationships, try to examine how you can improve your situation with your partner. If you must, meditate on how you can make your relationship better and close to the ideal. After you have found the answers, please do it! Even if the steps you take are small, it is crucial to follow through no matter how challenging it seems. Your small actions create more impact than you think!

In every action you do, you must understand that logic is your best friend. You may have to trade being imaginative for you to follow a strict set of values. However, no matter how small your efforts are, they will undoubtedly pay off!

If February is a personal month 4 for you

It is the time for you to adult up. You may need to be more mature and work quietly under the radar. Remember that even if you are working behind the scenes, you are making great strides in your life. Don’t give in to overthinking and doubt. If you torture your mind by asking too many questions, it will only result in a lousy mood and possibly even impact your health. Relax and be calm and serene. It is an excellent month to starts activities that enhance your well-being. You must also factor in the advice of people close to you or people who are wiser. They can help you try a few things to help you take a step forward in your goals and plans.

If March is a personal 4 month for you

You will be undertaking numerous efforts that will require your determination and self-discipline. Keep in mind that you need to be on track in the next 30 days to manifest your personal and professional goals. You are super confident, and nothing will stand in your way. You can present your ideas and projects without feeling intimidated even by the most challenging audience. You know you can win them over! Once you have defined your priorities, you can set to work without ever having to glance at the clock. You feel tireless and energetic every step of the way!

If April is a personal 4 month for you

All signals are go this month! There is no room in your mind for hesitation. Eliminate all doubts, and you are assured of winning it all. Although you feel super confident, you feel the need to base every choice on stable, tried, and tested values. You know that these are your best friends that help you run a tight ship. Because of this, your imagination might get stifled. But the trade-off is you will be undertaking your tasks in the next 30 days efficiently and correctly. Little excitement will happen this month but rest assured that your investment in time and effort will pay off!

If May is a personal 4 month for you

This is the month of transformation. You feel a great need to change your life! It would help if you got rid of things that no longer suits you or bring you nothing. This house cleaning extends not only to your physical environment but also to your body and mind. You may have to change or get rid of ideas that no longer match who you currently are. Your most significant task is to mute your inner critic, who is always pinpointing faults. It is a fantastic month of possibilities, but it is up to you to break the codes and make your own rules!

If June is a personal 4 month for you

It is crucial to make time for contemplation this month. It would help if you thought about where you are in life, especially where your relationship stands. An intimate relationship may have to be taken to the next level. Although you feel that you are evolving, numerous questions still cause you doubts and uncertainties. You don’t know where to start healing yourself. Fortunately, you will gain some illumination as the days go by. You will find that your enhanced perspective provides you with a more refined and evolved wisdom that can help you overcome any challenges. This month will bring astonishing results that can get you closer to all that you have been dreaming of.


A number 4 month is incredible for applying plans into practical reality. Dreams become true this month. Number 4 vibrations bring stability, hard work, and efficiency in the workplace. Although it enforces stringent rules and discipline, it gets the job done! Harness this number’s energy to reach your goals!