Do you always seem to glance at your phone at 11:11? Do repeating 1s seem to pop up all around you – on receipts, license plates, mile markers and digital notifications?

This year more than ever before, countless people all over the planet have reported seeing the 11:11 code repeatedly appear in their daily lives. It’s a worldwide phenomenon that’s intensifying as we approach the 11th day of the 11th month of 2021

Read on to find out why…

And discover 5 ways to prepare for this incredibly rare manifesting portal (HINT: #5 is the most important).


In Numerology, 11 is a Master Number. It’s the number of supernatural intuition, spiritual connection, and rapid manifestation. It contains the pioneering ignition spark of the number 1, and the sensitive, psychic gifts of the number 2. 

In combination, the Master Number 11 holds the vibration of ascension and its Sacred Geometry is just as revealing…

If you look at the shape of the Number 11, it represents two pillars, a gateway, which opens a direct portal between divine inspiration and grounded materialization. 

On November 11th, 2021, the 11/11 portal flies wide open making it the most potent manifesting day of the century!


November 11th is always a powerful day, but this year, it falls on a #9 Universal Day (1+1+1+1+2+0+2+1=9), bringing an energy of release and renewal to the day.

As the final number of the single-digit cycle, the 9 is synonymous with endings…

But before you question exactly why this would help you manifest your dream life, know this…

The Universe will not allow you to access new beginnings, unlock a new stage of your life or step into your higher power without first releasing the past and any energetic cobwebs that are holding you back.

After what many are calling the worst period in recent history

One marred by the economic meltdown, political turmoil, social injustice, horrendous natural disasters on top of a global pandemic…

If you’re been waiting for a Cosmically-aligned reason to leave the chaos, uncertainty and destruction of this erratic era behind you…

This is it.

On this super powerful day, the rare combination of 1s and 9s puts you in a unique (and totally magical) position – you’ll be literally standing at the precipice of incredible power and infinite possibility. 

It is the numerological epitome of ‘when one door closes, another opens’.

Make the right move, and you can use this day to finish 2021 strong and launch into 2022 prepped to become the best version of yourself…

And it’s SO important you do the groundwork now, because…

2022 has the power to change the game for your entire life…

Triple 2s of 2022

2022’s triple dose of 2’s is a rare and powerful code. It holds the energy of luck, love, expansion, joy and peace…

The last time we experienced this repeating date phenomenon was back in 1999

And before that, it was 1888. This means that even those who are older than 23 years old will only have seen this triple date structure once in their lives! 

And they NEVER will again.

No wonder the entire planet is holding their breath with great anticipation for November 11, 2021 to arrive…

It’s the most powerful manifesting day of the century.

But it gets even better…

Lady Luna’s Influence

November 11, 2021 is poised between two ultra-powerful lunations.

On November 4th, the Scorpio New Moon rises in the dark sky. This is one of the most transformative lunations of the entire year and urges you to set intentions for radical new beginnings.

Then, on November 19th, Eclipse Season begins with the Taurus Lunar Eclipse. This steadfast lunation activates your inner rebel, steers you towards innovation, and asks you to question who you are and what you want. 

And with Venus in Capricorn ruling this Eclipse, you can count on the wisdom of experience when making your next move.

This year’s 11:11 portal – poised in the middle of these two ultra transformative Moons – that ignites your manifestation powers like no other…


For the first time all year, the Cosmos are conspiring in your favor. This pivotal period is your chance to push the reset button on 2021

Despite its downfalls, this could be the year that everything changes for you. The year a spark ignited, triggering your incredible growth and prosperity…

That is… if you’re equipped to take advantage of this rare manifesting portal before it’s too late.

Here’s how…



After the year we’ve had, there’s no doubt that you’re holding onto a lot right now – squeezing so tight it hurts, yet afraid to release your grip and watch everything fall to pieces.

It may feel scary but you need to let it go.

During this transformational time, let the people, places, objects, projects, plans, ideas, emotions or dreams that do not serve you EXIT your life.

Notice what wants to go.

Notice what starts to feel like it doesn’t belong.

Notice contradictions as they arise in your awareness, and any beliefs and thoughts you are still holding onto, that don’t align with your rapidly upgrading reality.

Give thanks to what once served you, and let those things go.

If you feel triggered, angry, scared or anxious by the truth of what’s left behind then see these emotions as a sign you’re leaning into what’s uncomfortable. This is a good thing! You are peeling back the layers, and this is your chance to embark on some deep inner healing.



The last 2 months of the year is fertile ground, and the 11:11 portal is your cosmic invitation to plant seeds for your year ahead…

So, whatever you do – don’t think small.

Don’t just plan for what you want, take the first step. Don’t just imagine better, refuse to settle for anything less than epic!

Your goals for 2022 must be BIG, an energetic match for the intensity of 2021. The Universe made its move. Now it’s time to make yours.
Use this rare surge of manifesting power to break through your limits and let your mind expand! You can have it all!




Only you know what really feels good. Only you know what your mind, body, and soul really need. This transformational portal will be much, much easier for you to navigate if you tap into your inner guidance system and learn to trust your intuition.

The powerful influx of double Master Number 11 energies on November 11 will lend a huge boost to your intuitive and psychic capabilities. So it’s very important not to let this pass you by.

Keep flexing those intuitive muscles. Test your hunches. Follow the signs. They will lead you to your purpose, and to the prosperity that is undoubtedly waiting for you when you get there! And speaking of signs…



It’s easy to remain unaware of the potency of the energetic codes streaming through our bodies during such a powerful cosmic window… 

They’re opening us up and restructuring us on levels we may not even be ready to connect to yet. 

But the very fact that you are here, reading these words means that you’re ready for it, and it’s happening to you!

As we approach 11/11, try to limit your exposure to too much external stimulation – TV, radio, advertising or other manipulative media as it will hinder the soul-level work that’s being done for you, and by you, at this pivotal time.

Instead, look for guidance and wisdom that feeds your soul…

Sleep when you need to, eat the right foods for your body type and take real, loving care of yourself. This will make the big energetic shifts easier to accept and enable you to step up into the higher version of yourself when the opportunities arise…



A little-known weapon in the Numerological toolkit is the Achievement Number. 

Not only does it reveal much more intimate and personal qualities about you that are undetectable by your Life Path Number, but when combined with the Universal Year Number, your Achievement Number unlocks your personal path to prosperity.

As you move through the 11:11 portal and into the last swirling energies of this unprecedented year, it’s time to start planning your transition into 2022. Because if you wait until it’s already begun, you’ll be too late…


If you don’t know what your Achievement Number is, don’t worry! Not many people do… so we’ll about to reveal it to you. We’ve prepared something extremely special for you, a personalized gift to equip you for a truly prosperous year ahead.

Click here to get your free prosperity reading and reveal the #1 thing you need to do before 2021 ends…

Until then, use the tools described above to welcome these powerfully transformative cosmic energies into your life and prepare to receive the abundance coming your way…

So much love and many blessings,

The Numerologist Team

P.S. Has the number 11:11 been showing up in your life? These are signs that your transformation is only just beginning. Share below where you’ve been seeing this magical number appear!