Remember how I said that this was a year to change your life? Yeah… well, things are started to pick up BIG TIME. This month you are going to be called to lighten the load and let go of anything holding you back.

In this forecast learn:

  1. The POWERFUL reframe to kick fear of endings in the butt
  2. What you will have to say ‘good-bye’ to so you can move into bigger and better life experiences
  3. And two LIFE-CHANGING questions that have the power to help you become reborn…

Make sure to subscribe, if you aren’t already, so that when we drop the May Forecast you’re the first to know.

Big hugs!

Your Numerologist and Philosopher-friend,


Ready to know more about how your personal numerology affects every aspect of your life? You can get your Free Video Numerology Report here.

Want To Harness The Manifesting Potential of May 2021?

 Discover how to activate the manifesting power of numbers and attract your deepest desires with this illuminating Manifesting With Numbers coaching program!

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