March 2019Pin


Phew, after an expansive 5 Universal month, life hunkers down again into the softer and more serene energy of the 6. March 2019 is a 6 Universal month, so it holds the space for us to integrate, deepen and grow into our greatness.

Self-care is a big theme this month – if you’re not looking after your own mind, body, and soul,
how can you look after anybody else’s, however much you feel like you ‘should’?

With a super-strong sense of responsibility, 6 energy often won’t stop until it’s reached perfection – just like a frazzled mother who needs everything to be just right but ends up burning herself down to the ground.

But this kind of behavior ends up serving nobody. So beware of over-giving this month. Focus on rejuvenating your resources, and filling your own cup.

As the number of creativity, this is also an ideal time to inspire and restore through art, crafts, poetry, and dance!