We’re shifting things up a little bit for our January spirit guide reading! Choose either number 97, 98, or 99!

Then feel free to fast forward to your message:

  • # 97 — 01:50
  • # 98 — 04:39
  • # 99 — 07:45

Spirit Guide Message #1

If you chose 97, the message you received comes from page 97 of The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz. Don’t let “responsibilities” and the concept of obligation stop you from being childlike and engaging in the magic of life. This is your message! This is your mission! Tap into the childlike energy of curiosity and wonder…. and stay there for as long as you can. Catch yourself when you hear your inner judge try to numb your joy with the heavy obligation of responsibility, and bring yourself back to a joyful state.


Spirit Guide Message #2

If you chose 98, the message you received comes from page 98 of Emptiness Dancing by Adyashanti. The labels you give yourself are not who you really are — woman, man, wife, mother, husband, daughter, etc. You are life itself, and when you label your life, or break it up into pieces of “this” and “that,” you limit what you’re capable of. This is a tall order, but I KNOW you can feel into the miracle of what you REALLY are — eternal consciousness with no beginning and no end. What’s this message really about? Simply this: Anything is possible.


Spirit Guide Message #3

If you chose 99, the message you received comes from page 99 of No Death, No Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh. The only moment you can be truly alive is in the present. You have always been looking for “better” things — or whatever you believe will make you happy. You are afraid of what the future might bring. So you wait for a mysterious time in the future when everything will be the way you want it to be. But this isn’t really living. Life is in the present moment. As often as you can, bring your attention back to the here and now. There are no problems in the Now. Only your precious breath, as you breathe in and out.


We hope you enjoyed these messages. Please share this video/blog with anyone who could use some guidance today.