On December 12th we have a day of unusual, though powerful, energetic vibration on our hands… Which we like to call a Numerological Power Day. In Numerology, a power day happens any time you have a double (or sometimes triple!) number.

And because December is the 12th calendar month of the year… that means that on the 12th day of December, we have ourselves a Numerological Power Day!

12/12… a day of masculinity, femininity, and child-like magic…

A 12/12 Power Day is not quite as straight forward as other Numerological Power Day’s typically are… and that’s because the number 12 is a composite number. It is formed with the number 1 and the number 2… which add up to equal 3.

(and just in case you forgot, in Numerology, we always sum and reduce numbers to find their core meaning)…

So basically what I’m saying is, the meaning behind this 12/12 Power Day is packing some serious heat!

The Number 12 is all about authenticity, drawing you closer and closer towards your ultimate life purpose (YAS QUEEN!)

But before we can really understand what kind of magic a 12/12 Power Day has in store for us… we first have to understand each of the numbers involved. So let’s do a quick run-down.

The Vibe of Number 1…

In Numerology, the 1 is the beginning, the very first of all numbers. It brings new beginnings. It holds energy which is independent, pioneering, initiating and motivating. Numerologists regard the 1 as masculine (though bear in mind there’s no gender bias in Numerology). So it symbolizes the most primal and traditional masculine traits, such as ambition, confidence, bravery, and self-expression. This number is closely related to the ego and the self.

The Vibe of Number 2…

In comparison, the number 2 is feminine in nature. It holds many of the essentially feminine qualities, such as receptivity, creativity, and intuition. It pertains to relationships, and receptivity, cooperation, and coupledom. This number is also a deeply psychic, spiritual, and intuitive number. The 2 also symbolizes healing, bringing unity and wholeness in a way that no other number can.

The Vibe of Number 3…

3 is the number of creativity, communication, and expression.

For Numerologists, 3 is the number of the child – it symbolizes the growth and magic that results from the combination of two other things; it is chock-full of energy and possibility! This number is the fruits of your labors, it represents authentic expression, abundance, and the truth within each of us that needs to be shared.


On a 12/12 Numerology Power Day, the most important message to understand involves the blending of the two powerful digits 1 and 2. Through this, you’re being invited to step up in the higher frequency of the 3.

So, yeah… that definitely sounds confusing AF. How are you supposed to really harness this 12/12 collision of energy?… 

Well you see, the thing is, that the exact way in which the energy of the 12 will impact us, will vary slightly based on our own personal numbers.

If you want to learn more about how the 12th day of December can bring you to a higher evolution of YOURSELF, find your life path number below!

Life Path 1

Your Life Path number represents new beginnings, supercharged creativity, and YEP masculine energy. On a 12/12 Power Day, you can expect to feel this masculine surge at an amplified level. Be assertive, motivate yourself, and go bravely into unknown territory. Be a pioneer. This number requires incredible self-trust (is that something you’re lacking right now?) It’s time to start believing in yourself!

Life Path 2

Your Life Path number is all about dualities, relationships, and beautiful feminine energy. On a 12/12 Power Day, you’re being encouraged to tap into your feminine side. (This applies to men AND women – we all have masculine and feminine aspects). Tune into your intuition every day. What do you really dream of? What fuels you from within?

But your Life Path Number only reveals part of the story! You can (and should!) actually use your entire numerology chart if you want a more accurate glimpse into how each day will turn out for you. If you’re ready to reveal the shockingly accurate predictions about your future hidden in your chart, click below…

Show Me My Future! →

Life Path 3

Your Life Path number is the number of the child – fun, creative, energetic, communication, magical, and lucky. And because the two numbers involved in this 12/12 Power Day add up to 3… you can be expect to even more light-hearted than normal today. Let your inner child shine through! Do something creative and fun, something that speaks to your true happiness (hint: it won’t involve money or things).

Life Path 4

Your Life Path number is strong and stable. You’re very serious about commitments, practically, and strong foundations… but remember, at your core, you’re a double 2 (2+2=4) so on this 12/12 Power Day you can expect to feel very feminine energy take charge of your life. This is a good day to devote to the feminine… think journaling, self-care, and affirmations. Nurture your soul, whatever that looks like for you.

But your Life Path Number only reveals part of the story! You can (and should!) actually use your entire numerology chart if you want a more accurate glimpse into how each day will turn out for you. If you’re ready to reveal the shockingly accurate predictions about your future hidden in your chart, click below…

Show Me My Future! →

Life Path 5

Your Life Path number is super flexible and freedom-focused in nature, we like to call you ‘the adventurer’! On this 12/12 Power Day, you’ll be trying to find a delicate balance between the feminine and the masculine. Which if we’re being honest, for you this will probably be a piece of cake. Because you’re so welcoming to change, you might not even notice this subtle shift in your energetic field.

Life Path 6

Your Life Path number is centered around love, harmony, and beauty. And this 12/12 Power Day you can expect to feel the energy of number 3 doubled up! Yeehaw, this is going to be a great day for self-expression! Practice speaking up for yourself, putting your most authentic face forward (especially when it’s scary), and above all else – living for your damn self. Remember, it’s your life and at the end of the day, you’ll never be able to make everyone happy… so you might as well make sure you make yourself happy.

But your Life Path Number only reveals part of the story! You can (and should!) actually use your entire numerology chart if you want a more accurate glimpse into how each day will turn out for you. If you’re ready to reveal the shockingly accurate predictions about your future hidden in your chart, click below…

Show Me My Future! →

Life Path 7

Your Life Path number is all about higher-purpose wisdom, and is often referred to as the “wise sage”. On this 12/12 Power Day, you’ll like deeply feel all 3 numbers at work in your life. You’ll first move through the masculine (bravery and assertiveness)… then you’ll move into the feminine (your intuition and empathy will be on fire)… and finally, you’ll end your end in the vibe of the child (happy, care-free, and full of love). Expect a very good day.

Life Path 8

Your Life Path number is all about the eternal flow of energy (think: infinity symbol). And because of your very structured nature and materialistic outlook, you may struggle with finding a balance with the energy at work today. A 12/12 Power Day is asking you to step out of the very masculine energy that you normally embrace, and step into your more feminine side. Set aside some time today to nurture your intuition, your soul, and your innate needs. The material things can wait until later.

But your Life Path Number only reveals part of the story! You can (and should!) actually use your entire numerology chart if you want a more accurate glimpse into how each day will turn out for you. If you’re ready to reveal the shockingly accurate predictions about your future hidden in your chart, click below…

Show Me My Future! →

Life Path 9

Your Life Path number represents the end of the numerological cycle. This 12/12 Power Day is a good day for collaboration with others. Remember to lead by example… and express yourself freely, in a way that is still sensitive to the feelings of others. Remember not to be overly masculine or feminine. Today is about finding the perfect balance between them both.

Life Path 11

Your Life Path number is rooted in impacting the collective… specifically how people connect with each other and the world. You can have a serious impact on the world during this 12/12 Power Day. Spread the message of authenticity wherever you can today.

Life Path 22

Your Life Path number holds very powerful and capable energy. You have an impeccable gift for improving the systems and structures that make up our human societies. So on the 12/12 Power Day, think of how you can improve your community. Can you take charge, and use your voice of leadership to ask other people to step up and help out? The number 12 is urging you towards the highest expression of the number 3. So get creative and see how you can bring this magic to everyone around you.

But your Life Path Number only reveals part of the story! You can (and should!) actually use your entire numerology chart if you want a more accurate glimpse into how each day will turn out for you. If you’re ready to reveal the shockingly accurate predictions about your future hidden in your chart, click below…

Show Me My Future! →


Now it’s your turn! What steps will you take today to step into your authentic power?