This week’s theme is Security & Listen.

Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message.

Which number are you drawn to this week?

92 or 101?

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today?

Post the number you picked in the comments below.

Messages for #92 Security


Is peace of mind a priority?

If you’ve been seeing #92 everywhere it’s definitely a sign that it’s time to slow down and tune into your spiritual team. They are trying to get a message through and you are too busy running here and there and filling your head with too much noise for them to get through.

Remember, prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening to the answer.

When you don’t make time for reflection you miss the guidance you are so desperately seeking.

There’s a lot going on in your life and it’s hard to keep a positive attitude and your chin up your team wants you to know…

This too shall pass.

Whatever you’re experiencing is temporary and the pain and hardship you are experiencing now is part of God’s divine plan. It’s all working out in a beautiful way giving you character and strength for the next journey.

All is working out in your favor.

I know it may seem far from it but there’s a bigger picture than what you can see now. Trust.

If we draw back the curtain and take a closer look at the energy of this number we find…

9 – Service / Endings
2 – Everything’s going to be Ok / Balance
9+2= 11 – Spiritual Awakening
1+1=2 – Everything’s going to be Ok / Balance DOUBLED!

92 – You are safe!

Love & Relationships

In terms of love, the angels are encouraging you to be supportive of your partner. They may have made a choice you don’t agree with but remember it’s their life and they get to decide what to do with it. It’s important to align with love and trust that all of this is for the best.

If you are single the angels want you to be gentle with yourself. Beating yourself up or being hard on yourself lowers your vibration and attracts more of that in your relationships. Growth is possible and as you support yourself the universe will bring loving and supportive people into your life.


My peace of mind is a priority in my life.

Messages for #101 Listen


Are you missing the signs?

If #101 has danced into your life today it’s important to be aware of the signs. You may be having a hard time communicating with your spiritual team but there are signs all around you. They are with you trying to help.

Signs come in the form of pennies in unusual places, feathers, animals, music, repeating numbers or coincidences.

You may have a certain expectation of how the Divine is going to get your attention but be open to other signs that you may have missed.

It’s also important to avoid negative people. Positive changes are coming into your life and as you stay in alignment with your own truth these will come sooner rather than later.

The Angels recognize your hard work and effort and your success will pay off soon!

If we dial back the numbers we find…

1 – Make a Wish / Motivation
0 – Infinity/ Eternity
1 – Make a Wish / Motivation
1+0+1=2 – Everything’s going to be Ok / Balance

101 – Your prayers have been heard now it’s time to LISTEN for the answer!

Love & Relationships

If #101 rolled into your life regarding love it’s about listening to your heart and following your emotions rather than being ruled by intellect and logic. If you are single this is a time to love yourself and appreciate the warm, sensitive being that you are.


I listen. I trust. I take guided action.

Which number resonated with you this week?

Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.

Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.

If this number resonates with you be sure to hit that “LIKE” button over on our Youtube and Facebook channel. It helps our message to get out to more people like you!

I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Message. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.

May you find peace of mind and take guided action that opens up a flow of love and abundance in your life.

Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle