Blood Moon Full Moon Lunar EclipsePinON JULY 27th AT 13:20 PT / 21:20 BST, WE’LL SEE A FULL Blood MOON Eclipse AT 4º OF Aquarius.

Occurring in the 11th sign of Aquarius, which describes the collective path, the Full Moon shines a powerful spotlight onto what this means for us each, uniquely.

This Full Moon will illuminate your place in the world. It will help you to see what you have to offer, what your gift is, what you have to bring to the world. What you came here to do.

The unending thrum of life can make this really, really hard to understand, let alone DO! The distractions are many and the voices and opinions and perspectives SO loud and SO enticing, which makes this lunation a very, very powerful time to pause, and listen in closely.  Full Moons are the peak in the lunar cycle. The zenith, when all that can be achieved has been. The only work left, is to sit back and observe what is being revealed.

The LONGEST Blood Moon Eclipse of the Century!

According to NASA, the blood moon phase of this eclipse will last an incredible 1 hour 43 minutes, with the total event going on for over 6 hours! (The penumbral eclipse is set to begin at 09:14 PT/18:14 BST and end at 15:28 PT/ 00:28 BST on the 28th).

The blood red color – which prompts the name of this kind of eclipse – is caused when the Sun shines directly onto Earth, causing its shadow to fall over the surface of the Moon. The precise planetary alignment that this requires, serves to momentarily make visible our collective shadow.  So at the peak of the cycle, when the lunar spotlight is being shone through Aquarian airs, illuminating you, us and our interconnected nature, our darker aspects will also be made visible.

So this Full Moon eclipse brings two gifts: Aquarius will help you to garner your gifts, enhancing your awareness of what you’re able to (and need to) be doing in the world. And the Blood Moon will reveal what is standing in your way.  But with a number of other astrological alignments all fueling an energetic maelstrom, what can we each actually DO, to best harness the energies of this lunar eclipse, and not let the opportunities it brings pass us by…?

1. Notice Outmoded Patterns

Woman with Closed Eyes in Contemplation & IntrospectionPinAt the time of this Full Moon, 5 planets are in retrograde. Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and as of July 26th, Mercury are all moving in retrograde motion so there is a HUGE planetary focus on slowing right down and inverting our attention.  Retrogrades call for self-reflection and for reviewing the direction we have chosen. This Full Moon also provides the illumination to glean some deep and lasting truth.

SO ask yourself:

  • What stops you from shining?
  • What silences you?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • Why do you Feel Unworthy?

As the Earth’s shadow rises, personal shadows will too, so be aware of how any of your rumbling, personal frustrations may be triggered and manifest outwardly. Full Moons tug on the emotional body so if you (or those around you) are abrupt, reactive or extreme, pause. Wait a moment. Let the eclipse energies rise through you… and fall. Observe yourself. Step outside of the patterns you hold and ask yourself if they are still serving you.

2. Hold a Full Moon Release Ritual

Rows of Candles, RitualPinFrom this point onward, the next two weeks offer a waning energetic pattern so commit to releasing any outmoded, unwanted, old-paradigm behaviors that you still hold.

Whatever is rising up through you now, is rising to be cleared, so do not attach.

Let it go.

On an ordinary Full Moon, rituals are powerful, but this time, with these added eclipse energies to hold and amplify your intentions, what you do, say and how you harness the energy of this cosmic alignment, has the potential to be life-changing.

Holding a Full Moon Eclipse ritual is an extremely potent way to make real your commitment, and clear out the emotional debris for good.

Follow this link for a beautiful, powerful and sensual release ritual which could form the basis of your Full Moon release ritual. Or click HERE for a potent fire ritual to burn away your stale and outmoded patterns.

3. Use Grounding as a Sacred Practice

Bare Feet GroundingPinAt the time of this Full Blood Moon, there are 6 planets in fixed signs, as well as the North and South Nodes. Whilst a lot of fixed energy can often create an atmosphere of unmoving, unchanging rigidity, it can also offer devotion and receptivity. So here, we have a wonderful opportunity to use the power of grounding and connecting to Earth energy for personal healing and renewal.

Whilst Sun, Earth and Moon all align, go outside, take off your shoes and walk barefoot in the grass. Lie your whole body down on the surface of the Earth. Dip your toes in the sea. Set a conscious intention to receive the healing, harmonious vibrational essence of our planet.

4. Let the Planets Upgrade You!

Man on Mountaintop with outstretched arms.PinThe Sun and North Node in Leo are opposing the Moon, South Node and Mars in Aquarius. And these are all forming a T Square to Uranus in Taurus … which equals a LOT of potential for upheaval. Eclipses are normally portals for rapid change, but this added square between Mars and Uranus wants to jolt us out of our comfort zones. As agents for change, both of these planets (especially in fixed signs) have real potential to shift the world under your feet.

Let them.

But let them do the work.

As already mentioned, with so much retrograde energy currently swirling, now is not the time to be taking brave new strides into the world. Instead, let yourself be upgraded from the inside.  Let the transformational power of the eclipse move through you, but wait before you act, for whilst we are still within this powerful eclipse window, there is more to be revealed. Wait until you have a fuller picture of what is unfolding.

5. Choose Heart Energy

Black & White LionPinThis lunar eclipse is a South Node Eclipse. This means that it illuminates our collective past, the lessons we have learnt and what we all need to release, in order to be able to move into the new paradigm.  The North Node sits right opposite and indicates our collective future, our destiny, our highest collective expression and right now, it is in Leo, conjunct the Sun. That is where to focus.

Look to the future.

Look to Leo, to heart energy and love.

This eclipse is revealing all of the lowest vibrational aspects of Aquarius and inviting us to release them: our disconnection, our superiority and the grip we hold on control and power over others. These are themes which are playing out across the world stage: they are rising, in order to be cleared.

Replace them with the highest vibrational aspects of Leo. Choose to act, speak and love from your heart.

Give generously.

Be inclusive.

Express the truth.

Sending you many blood moon blessings,