May 2019Pin


Hold onto your hats, the 8 Universal month has arrived.

After a slow and restful April (at least that’s what the cosmos was trying to get you to do) the numbers have powered up, offering us a strong and capable vibration this month.

8 is the number of mastery, in particular, mastery over the flow of energy in the world. Which means this 8 Universal Month will be calling on you to step up into your power, commit to a purpose or idea, and prove that your work in the world has value.

Incredible gifts are available under this Numerology cycle – the 8 is
well known as a number of money and material wealth – but you
must be open to receive them. (And if you’re not, how will you ever know
they’ve arrived?)

Another thing about this 8 Universal Month, is that it will hold you accountable. Yes. Watch your back, as you will get caught out if you cut corners, cheat the system or loose change a client… not that
you would…

But the 8 doesn’t take any prisoners!