August 2019



After the burst of pioneering and self-leading ‘1’ energy last month, we’re now easing into an altogether gentler vibration.

August 2019 is a 2 Universal Month, which is all about connection. Connection to your inner voice – your intuition and the whisper
of divine guidance that’s always there within – and connection to the other people in your life.

Relationships will likely take center stage over the next 31 days, so work on deepening into the ones you have and don’t shy away from forming new ones.

Be supportive but also allow yourself to be supported. 2 energy can make us very keen to come to the rescue of others but unwilling to accept any help ourselves, so try not to fall into this trap this month.

Aim to keep that delicate balance of give and take. You’ll likely see some of your new ideas and projects from last month take root, too.

So use the nurturing energy of the 2 to bed them in, but remember: this month is all about ease and grace – not about pushing hard.
The best way to make progress this month is through spiritual alignment, so better have your intuition on speed dial!