We’re only a couple of weeks into 2021 and we’ve already had a number of cosmic events shaking things up. Well, get ready, because your Sunday is about to be anything but restful (but in a totally awesome way!)

Jupiter Squares Uranus Meaning

During this energetic transit, your urge to get out of your rut and move forward towards a bright new future will be higher than ever.

This transit usually only occurs when incredible breakthroughs and paradigm shifts are on the cards. And the fact that it hasn’t occurred since 2014 means that this one will be a doozy!

Uranus always brings with it big surprises and twists and turns… but it also brings a whole load of possibilities and excitement too. Jupiter, on the other hand, is the planet of expansion, meaning any opportunities that Uranus does bring to the table will be compounded. Big changes will be ignited.

It’s perhaps no surprise that this transit is happening right before the US presidential inauguration.

You might also like to read: Here’s A GIF That Perfectly Describes How Your Zodiac Sign Is Dealing With 2021 (So Far)

While, on a collective level, we’ll see explosive new beginnings, focussing on how this transit can get you out of your rut is important.

Use today to think about what it is that is holding you back from success…

Think about the narrative you’re telling yourself about your life (and whether your current situation nourishes your soul, or whether you’re just going through the actions of life)…

Make sure you’re hyper-vigilant to the opportunities that come your way…

Use today’s potent energy to put the wheels in motion to take you to a brand new future.

Good luck, starchild!