The Akashic Realm holds the collective Records for all humanity. These Messengers from the Realm support humanity in the transition into 5th dimension consciousness.


The Messengers Bringing The Forecast For The Week Are:

Messenger #22. SANLE LOVE – Teacher Of Healing From Loss Of Love

Sanle Love as the keeper of love, he heals the wounds of abandonment, being disappointed in love or the loss of love in its various forms.


Being hurt by someone you love or who is supposed to love you is one of the deepest core wounds experienced by humans.

This pain can only be healed by love. While it is not always easy to love those who have caused you pain, being open to allowing Sanle Love to bathe you in his healing balm will give you a higher perspective to be able to understand more deeply the reasons behind why someone withheld their love from you.

Messenger #18. ZEMEL – Teacher Of Releasing Past Hurts

Zemel controls the amount of pain you place in your memory as you go through trauma; this is experienced as forgetfulness. He is there to support you when it is time to bring these memories to mind to heal the deepest wounds of your soul.

He deeply knows the hearts of people and knows how to arouse love in hearts that are wounded and hardened by deep trauma.


This is your time, if you choose to allow it to be. You are now strong enough to face your past and heal the wounds.

Ask Zemel to show you the support system you need to help you as you take this courageous step into your future.

Messenger #37. PETRUS – Guide Of Soul Healing

Petrus works with the hidden side of soul development. He uses the color green to heal the deepest wounds at the soul level.


Your soul is ready to be healed at a deep unseen level. You are ready to allow this to happen.

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Which Akashic Messenger reading resonated with you? Let us know in the comments below!